Czechia is one of the arachnologically best researched regions in Europe. So far, 906 spider species have been identified in this country (Buchar and Růžička 2002, Růžička and Buchar 2008, Kůrka et al. 2015, Řezáč et al. 2021). The Czech spider fauna lacks endemic species due to the glacial periods that have occurred. The oldest components of Czech spider fauna are glacial relics that survived in alpine and peat bog habitats and boreal relics that survived in steppe habitats. The Czech spider fauna is thus mainly composed of species with a Palaearctic distribution. Only a very small proportion of the species are endemic to Central Europe; in particular, few Carpathian endemics occur in the mountains in eastern Moravia, and few Pannonian endemics occur in the lowlands in southern Moravia. Many species of natural habitats are disappearing, and 58% of the Czech spider fauna are red listed (Řezáč et al. 2015).
To date, approximately fifty species found in Czechia are considered allochthonous. The majority of them are restricted to buildings. Moreover, some species have colonized the surroundings of buildings. Only a small fraction of spider species introduced to Czechia have invaded natural habitats. In addition to these species introduced by humans, there are also several cases of species that recently expanded their distribution from the south to Czechia, perhaps due to climate warming. According to these criteria we classify the Czech non-native spider species into the following five cathegories. Species identity is based on Nentwig et al. (2023). The nomenclature follows the World Spider Catalog (2023).
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Family Agelenidae (13x) | |||||||
Agelena | Agelena labyrinthica | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 125 | Not endangered | ||
Allagelena | Allagelena gracilens | (C. L. Koch, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 86 | Not endangered | ||
Coelotes (2x) | Coelotes atropos | (Walckenaer, 1830) | 1875, C. Fickert, Špindlerův Mlýn | 20 | Almost threatened | ||
Coelotes terrestris | (Wider, 1834) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 283 | Not endangered | |||
Eratigena (2x) | Eratigena agrestis | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 08/27/1960, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 62 | Not endangered | ||
Eratigena atrica | (C. L. Koch, 1843) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 77 | Not endangered | |||
Histopona | Histopona torpida | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 222 | Not endangered | ||
Inermocoelotes | Inermocoelotes inermis | (L. Koch, 1855) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Hořovice | 192 | Not endangered | ||
Tegenaria (4x) | Tegenaria campestris | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 64 | Not endangered | ||
Tegenaria domestica | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 62 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Tegenaria ferruginea | (Panzer, 1804) | 1934, Sloupnice, č. o. Dolní Sloupnice | 137 | Not endangered | |||
Tegenaria silvestris | L. Koch, 1872 | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda | 144 | Not endangered | |||
Textrix | Textrix denticulata | (Olivier, 1789) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Budějovické Předměstí | 29 | Almost threatened | ||
Family Amaurobiidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Amaurobius (3x) | Amaurobius fenestralis | (Ström, 1768) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 167 | Not endangered | ||
Amaurobius ferox | (Walckenaer, 1830) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 43 | Not endangered | |||
Amaurobius jugorum | L. Koch, 1868 | 1934, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Luže, č. o. Bělá | 52 | Endangered | |||
Callobius | Callobius claustrarius | (Hahn, 1833) | 1859, Emanuel Bárta, Jílové, č. o. Sněžník | 183 | Not endangered | ||
Family Anapidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Comaroma | Comaroma simoni | Bertkau, 1889 | 07/05/1993, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Hvožďany, č. o. Roželov | 2 | Strongly endangered | ||
Family Anyphaenidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Anyphaena (2x) | Anyphaena accentuata | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 133 | Not endangered | ||
Anyphaena furva | Miller, 1967 | 07/30/1982, Jiří Šmaha, Hřebečníky, č. o. Týřovice | 2 | Strongly endangered | |||
Family Araneidae (45x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Aculepeira | Aculepeira ceropegia | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 199 | Not endangered | ||
Agalenatea | Agalenatea redii | (Scopoli, 1763) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 56 | Not endangered | ||
Araneus (9x) | Araneus alsine | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 68 | Endangered | ||
Araneus angulatus | Clerck, 1757 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 51 | Almost threatened | |||
Araneus diadematus | Clerck, 1757 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 263 | Not endangered | |||
Araneus marmoreus | Clerck, 1757 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 139 | Not endangered | |||
Araneus nordmanni | (Thorell, 1870) | 08/14/1892, Antonín Nosek, Tanvald | 7 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Araneus quadratus | Clerck, 1757 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 410 | Not endangered | |||
Araneus saevus | (L. Koch, 1872) | 08/16/1971, RNDr. Antonín Kůrka, Srní, č. o. Horská Kvilda | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Araneus sturmi | (Hahn, 1831) | 1869, Antonín Nosek, Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 126 | Almost threatened | |||
Araneus triguttatus | (Fabricius, 1775) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 65 | Almost threatened | |||
Araniella (5x) | Araniella alpica | (L. Koch, 1869) | 1875, Pec pod Sněžkou | 49 | Almost threatened | ||
Araniella cucurbitina | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 220 | Not endangered | |||
Araniella displicata | (Hentz, 1847) | 05/19/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Dolní Beřkovice | 16 | Endangered | |||
Araniella inconspicua | (Simon, 1874) | 06/15/1979, Branná, č. o. Ostružná | 15 | Endangered | |||
Araniella opisthographa | (Kulczyński, 1905) | 11/30/1972, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Nový Bydžov, č. o. Nová Skřeněř | 71 | Not endangered | |||
Argiope | Argiope bruennichi | (Scopoli, 1772) | 07/01/1952, pes, Břeclav | 292 | E | Not endangered | |
Cercidia | Cercidia prominens | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 61 | Not endangered | ||
Cyclosa (2x) | Cyclosa conica | (Pallas, 1772) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 143 | Not endangered | ||
Cyclosa oculata | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Křivoklát | 27 | Endangered | |||
Gibbaranea (3x) | Gibbaranea bituberculata | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 46 | Almost threatened | ||
Gibbaranea gibbosa | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/30/1972, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Prasek | 44 | Endangered | |||
Gibbaranea omoeda | (Thorell, 1870) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lišany | 29 | Endangered | |||
Hypsosinga (4x) | Hypsosinga albovittata | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 40 | Almost threatened | ||
Hypsosinga heri | (Hahn, 1831) | 1929, Dr. Jan Obenberger, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Nový Dvůr | 35 | Endangered | |||
Hypsosinga pygmaea | (Sundevall, 1831) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 50 | Almost threatened | |||
Hypsosinga sanguinea | (C. L. Koch, 1844) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Srní, č. o. Modrava | 124 | Not endangered | |||
Larinia | Larinia elegans | Spassky, 1939 | 05/08/2020, Radek Šich, Pasohlávky | 1 | E | ||
Larinioides (5x) | Larinioides cornutus | (Clerck, 1757) | 08/24/1967, Jaroslav Martínek, Lomnice nad Lužnicí, č. o. Lužnice | 26 | Not endangered | ||
Larinioides ixobolus | (Thorell, 1873) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 24 | Not endangered | |||
Larinioides patagiatus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 72 | Almost threatened | |||
Larinioides sclopetarius | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 60 | Not endangered | |||
Larinioides suspicax | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) | 1859, František Prach, Panenský Týnec | 105 | Not endangered | |||
Leviellus (2x) | Leviellus stroemi | (Thorell, 1870) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 20 | Endangered | ||
Leviellus thorelli | (Ausserer, 1871) | 08/19/2009, Břeclav | 3 | E | Criticaly endangered | ||
Mangora | Mangora acalypha | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 227 | Not endangered | ||
Neoscona | Neoscona adianta | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 06/12/2020, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Rohatec | 1 | E | ||
Nuctenea (2x) | Nuctenea silvicultrix | (C. L. Koch, 1835) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Strážný | 13 | Strongly endangered | ||
Nuctenea umbratica | (Clerck, 1757) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Litoměřice, č. o. Litoměřice-Město | 125 | Not endangered | |||
Singa (2x) | Singa hamata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 76 | Not endangered | ||
Singa nitidula | C. L. Koch, 1844 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Čelákovice | 51 | Almost threatened | |||
Zilla | Zilla diodia | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Budějovické Předměstí | 64 | Almost threatened | ||
Zygiella (3x) | Zygiella atrica | (C. L. Koch, 1845) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 41 | Not endangered | ||
Zygiella montana | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 19 | Not endangered | |||
Zygiella x-notata | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 12 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Family Atypidae (3x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Atypus (3x) | Atypus affinis | Eichwald, 1830 | 1938, Rohy | 50 | Almost threatened | ||
Atypus muralis | Bertkau, 1890 | 1898, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 16 | Strongly endangered | |||
Atypus piceus | (Sulzer, 1776) | 07/15/1934, Dobrkov | 40 | Endangered | |||
Family Cheiracanthiidae (10x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Cheiracanthium (10x) | Cheiracanthium campestre | Lohmander, 1944 | 05/14/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 25 | Almost threatened | ||
Cheiracanthium effossum | Herman, 1879 | 05/03/1929, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 7 | Endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium elegans | Thorell, 1875 | 05/18/1952, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium erraticum | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 96 | Not endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium mildei | L. Koch, 1864 | 07/15/2010, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Havraníky | 17 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Cheiracanthium montanum | L. Koch, 1877 | 04/10/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium oncognathum | Thorell, 1871 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 9 | Endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium pennyi | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 | 06/05/1983, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 2 | Strongly endangered | |||
Cheiracanthium punctorium | (Villers, 1789) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 29 | E | Not endangered | ||
Cheiracanthium virescens | (Sundevall, 1833) | 06/19/1938, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 19 | Almost threatened | |||
Family Cicurinidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Brommella | Brommella falcigera | (Balogh, 1935) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 9 | Strongly endangered | ||
Cicurina | Cicurina cicur | (Fabricius, 1793) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda | 203 | Not endangered | ||
Family Clubionidae (27x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Clubiona (25x) | Clubiona alpicola | Kulczyński, 1882 | 1875, C. Fickert, Špindlerův Mlýn | 14 | Not endangered | ||
Clubiona brevipes | Blackwall, 1841 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 45 | Almost threatened | |||
Clubiona caerulescens | L. Koch, 1867 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Všenory | 63 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona comta | C. L. Koch, 1839 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 69 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona corticalis | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Clubiona diversa | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862 | 1929, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Lednice | 64 | Almost threatened | |||
Clubiona frutetorum | L. Koch, 1867 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 24 | Almost threatened | |||
Clubiona germanica | Thorell, 1871 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 26 | Endangered | |||
Clubiona juvenis | Simon, 1878 | 1988, kr, Sedlec (okr. Břeclav) | 8 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Clubiona kulczynskii | Lessert, 1905 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Sobotín, č. o. Klepáčov | 18 | Endangered | |||
Clubiona lutescens | Westring, 1851 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 169 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona marmorata | L. Koch, 1866 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 19 | Endangered | |||
Clubiona neglecta | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862 | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Strážný | 94 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona norvegica | Strand, 1900 | 06/27/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Clubiona pallidula | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 104 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona phragmitis | C. L. Koch, 1843 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 85 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona pseudoneglecta | Wunderlich, 1994 | 06/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Clubiona reclusa | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 164 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona saxatilis | L. Koch, 1867 | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 4 | Strongly endangered | |||
Clubiona similis | L. Koch, 1867 | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Clubiona stagnatilis | Kulczyński, 1897 | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Rakovník, č. o. Rakovník I | 101 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona subsultans | Thorell, 1875 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 68 | Almost threatened | |||
Clubiona subtilis | L. Koch, 1867 | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lišany | 48 | Almost threatened | |||
Clubiona terrestris | Westring, 1851 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 142 | Not endangered | |||
Clubiona trivialis | C. L. Koch, 1843 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 74 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhoclubiona (2x) | Porrhoclubiona genevensis | (L. Koch, 1866) | 07/10/1955, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 10 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Porrhoclubiona leucaspis | (Simon, 1932) | 06/04/1996, Mgr. Jaroslav Svatoň, Bzenec | 9 | Endangered | |||
Family Cybaeidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Cryphoeca | Cryphoeca silvicola | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 120 | Not endangered | ||
Cybaeus (2x) | Cybaeus angustiarum | L. Koch, 1868 | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 117 | Not endangered | ||
Cybaeus tetricus | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 1992, J. Červený () | |||||
Mastigusa | Mastigusa arietina | (Thorell, 1871) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 12 | Endangered | ||
Family Dictynidae (21x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Altella | Altella biuncata | (Miller, 1949) | 04/20/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 20 | Strongly endangered | ||
Archaeodictyna (2x) | Archaeodictyna consecuta | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) | 1960, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Archaeodictyna minutissima | (Miller, 1958) | 06/06/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 6 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Argenna (2x) | Argenna patula | (Simon, 1874) | 06/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 5 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Argenna subnigra | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Senorady | 42 | Not endangered | |||
Argyroneta | Argyroneta aquatica | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 60 | Endangered | ||
Brigittea (3x) | Brigittea civica | (Lucas, 1850) | 09/05/1954, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno I | 26 | E | Not endangered | |
Brigittea latens | (Fabricius, 1775) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 14 | Endangered | |||
Brigittea vicina | (Simon, 1873) | 2004, S. Vinkler (Bryja et al. 2005) | Criticaly endangered | ||||
Dictyna (5x) | Dictyna arundinacea | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 147 | Not endangered | ||
Dictyna major | Menge, 1869 | 06/27/1975, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Stožec | 1 | Missing | |||
Dictyna pusilla | Thorell, 1856 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 91 | Not endangered | |||
Dictyna szaboi | Chyzer, 1891 | 06/04/1996, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Bzenec | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Dictyna uncinata | Thorell, 1856 | 1929, Dr. Jan Obenberger, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Nový Dvůr | 108 | Not endangered | |||
Emblyna (2x) | Emblyna brevidens | (Kulczyński, 1897) | 2011, J. Dolanský (viz Pavouk 2012 (č. 32)) | E | Criticaly endangered | ||
Emblyna mitis | (Thorell, 1875) | 05/21/1966, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Čelákovice, č. o. Sedlčánky | 6 | Endangered | |||
Lathys (3x) | Lathys heterophthalma | Kulczyński, 1891 | 08/13/1965, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň II | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Lathys humilis | (Blackwall, 1855) | 05/24/1951, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 33 | Endangered | |||
Lathys stigmatisata | (Menge, 1869) | 1929, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Nový Dvůr | 18 | Endangered | |||
Nigma (2x) | Nigma flavescens | (Walckenaer, 1830) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 100 | Not endangered | ||
Nigma walckenaeri | (Roewer, 1951) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 39 | Not endangered | |||
Family Dysderidae (9x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Dasumia | Dasumia carpatica | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 05/15/1997, doc. RNDr. Jiří Král, Dr., Nový Jičín, č. o. Žilina | 8 | Strongly endangered | ||
Dysdera (5x) | Dysdera cechica | Řezáč, 2018 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 31 | Not endangered | ||
Dysdera crocata | C. L. Koch, 1838 | 02/06/2017, Ing. Vladimír Hula, Ph.D., Praha | 4 | I-N-N | Not endangered | ||
Dysdera erythrina | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 60 | Not endangered | |||
Dysdera hungarica | Kulczyński, 1897 | 10/15/1993, Josef Chytil, Sedlec (okr. Břeclav) | 8 | Not endangered | |||
Dysdera moravica | Řezáč, 2014 | 1979, Ochoz u Brna | 11 | Almost threatened | |||
Harpactea (3x) | Harpactea hombergi | (Scopoli, 1763) | 1929, Křivoklát | 92 | Not endangered | ||
Harpactea lepida | (C. L. Koch, 1838) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda | 211 | Not endangered | |||
Harpactea rubicunda | (C. L. Koch, 1838) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 156 | Not endangered | |||
Family Eresidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Eresus (4x) | Eresus hermani | Kovács, Prazsák, Eichardt, Vári & Gyurkovics, 2015 | 10/17/2015, Radek Šich, Mikulov | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Eresus kollari | Rossi, 1846 | 1866, Ctiněves | 34 | Endangered | |||
Eresus moravicus | Řezáč, 2008 | 10/15/1966, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Dolní Kounice | 8 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Eresus sandaliatus | (Martini & Goeze, 1778) | 06/12/1982, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Kadaň, č. o. Úhošťany | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Family Gnaphosidae (75x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Aphantaulax | Aphantaulax cincta | (L. Koch, 1866) | 04/20/1998, Pavel Bezděčka, Bzenec | 1 | Strongly endangered | ||
Berlandina | Berlandina cinerea | (Menge, 1872) | 05/25/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Tišice, č. o. Kozly | 12 | Strongly endangered | ||
Callilepis (2x) | Callilepis nocturna | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 05/25/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 35 | Endangered | ||
Callilepis schuszteri | (Herman, 1879) | 05/27/1932, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno V | 32 | Endangered | |||
Civizelotes (3x) | Civizelotes caucasius | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1998, Mgr. Aleš Jelínek, Podmolí | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Civizelotes gracilis | (Canestrini, 1868) | 05/02/2008, Slavkov u Uherského Brodu | 8 | Strongly endangered | |||
Civizelotes pygmaeus | (Miller, 1943) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 27 | Endangered | |||
Cryptodrassus | Cryptodrassus hungaricus | (Balogh, 1935) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Drassodes (3x) | Drassodes cupreus | (Blackwall, 1834) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 63 | Almost threatened | ||
Drassodes lapidosus | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 143 | Not endangered | |||
Drassodes pubescens | (Thorell, 1856) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 161 | Not endangered | |||
Drassyllus (6x) | Drassyllus lutetianus | (L. Koch, 1866) | 06/24/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 98 | Not endangered | ||
Drassyllus praeficus | (L. Koch, 1866) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 112 | Not endangered | |||
Drassyllus pumilus | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 34 | Strongly endangered | |||
Drassyllus pusillus | (C. L. Koch, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 165 | Not endangered | |||
Drassyllus villicus | (Thorell, 1875) | 05/27/1932, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno V | 46 | Endangered | |||
Drassyllus vinealis | (Kulczyński, 1897) | 05/05/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Echemus | Echemus angustifrons | (Westring, 1861) | 06/15/1936, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 17 | Endangered | ||
Gnaphosa (11x) | Gnaphosa badia | (L. Koch, 1866) | 10/03/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Železná Ruda, č. o. Špičák | 5 | Strongly endangered | ||
Gnaphosa bicolor | (Hahn, 1833) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 34 | Endangered | |||
Gnaphosa inconspecta | Simon, 1878 | 1973, Hana Šinková, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Gnaphosa lapponum | (L. Koch, 1866) | 08/03/1982, Jan Vaněk, Pec pod Sněžkou | 1 | Endangered | |||
Gnaphosa lucifuga | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 45 | Almost threatened | |||
Gnaphosa lugubris | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Bílovice nad Svitavou | 32 | Almost threatened | |||
Gnaphosa microps | Holm, 1939 | 08/21/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Gnaphosa modestior | Kulczyński, 1897 | 05/11/2018, Filip Trnka, Mikulov | 5 | E | Criticaly endangered | ||
Gnaphosa montana | (L. Koch, 1866) | 08/08/1935, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 38 | Endangered | |||
Gnaphosa nigerrima | L. Koch, 1877 | 09/17/1942, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Soběslav, č. o. Soběslav I | 14 | Strongly endangered | |||
Gnaphosa opaca | Herman, 1879 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 22 | Endangered | |||
Haplodrassus (10x) | Haplodrassus bohemicus | Miller & Buchar, 1977 | 05/25/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Louny, č. o. Raná | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Haplodrassus cognatus | (Westring, 1861) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 15 | Endangered | |||
Haplodrassus dalmatensis | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1941, Mohelno | 22 | Endangered | |||
Haplodrassus kulczynskii | Lohmander, 1942 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 27 | Endangered | |||
Haplodrassus minor | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) | 06/05/1968, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Bulhary | 16 | Strongly endangered | |||
Haplodrassus moderatus | (Kulczyński, 1897) | 05/21/1980, RNDr. Antonín Kůrka, Stožec, č. o. Dobrá | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Haplodrassus signifer | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 193 | Not endangered | |||
Haplodrassus silvestris | (Blackwall, 1833) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Nový Jáchymov | 137 | Not endangered | |||
Haplodrassus soerenseni | (Strand, 1900) | 1970, Sýkořice | 35 | Almost threatened | |||
Haplodrassus umbratilis | (L. Koch, 1866) | 06/19/1932, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 64 | Not endangered | |||
Kishidaia | Kishidaia conspicua | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Karlštejn | 10 | Strongly endangered | ||
Micaria (13x) | Micaria aenea | Thorell, 1871 | 08/04/1951, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 3 | Strongly endangered | ||
Micaria albovittata | (Lucas, 1846) | 05/05/1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 3 | Missing | |||
Micaria dives | (Lucas, 1846) | 04/29/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 16 | Strongly endangered | |||
Micaria formicaria | (Sundevall, 1831) | 1929, Lány (okr. Rakovník), č. o. Lány | 37 | Endangered | |||
Micaria fulgens | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 86 | Almost threatened | |||
Micaria guttulata | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 08/15/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 11 | Strongly endangered | |||
Micaria lenzi | Bösenberg, 1899 | 05/26/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Tišice, č. o. Kozly | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Micaria micans | (Blackwall, 1858) | 06/20/2010, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Libice nad Cidlinou | 21 | Not endangered | |||
Micaria nivosa | L. Koch, 1866 | 05/28/1942, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 9 | Endangered | |||
Micaria pulicaria | (Sundevall, 1831) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 119 | Not endangered | |||
Micaria silesiaca | L. Koch, 1875 | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 8 | Endangered | |||
Micaria sociabilis | Kulczyński, 1897 | 10/25/1996, Pavel Bezděčka, Bulhary | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Micaria subopaca | Westring, 1861 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 36 | Endangered | |||
Phaeocedus | Phaeocedus braccatus | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Nový Dům | 5 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Scotophaeus (2x) | Scotophaeus quadripunctatus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 36 | Not endangered | ||
Scotophaeus scutulatus | (L. Koch, 1866) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 45 | Not endangered | |||
Sosticus | Sosticus loricatus | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1936, C. Špaček, Trutnov, č. o. Trutnov-Vnitřní Město | 13 | Not endangered | ||
Trachyzelotes | Trachyzelotes pedestris | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 85 | Not endangered | ||
Urozelotes | Urozelotes rusticus | (L. Koch, 1872) | 1933, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Luže, č. o. Bělá | 1 | Missing | ||
Zelotes (16x) | Zelotes aeneus | (Simon, 1878) | 09/27/1971, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Nový Bydžov | 13 | Almost threatened | ||
Zelotes apricorum | (L. Koch, 1876) | 07/10/1957, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 35 | Almost threatened | |||
Zelotes atrocaeruleus | (Simon, 1878) | 05/11/1932, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Zelotes aurantiacus | Miller, 1967 | 09/18/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Olší | 37 | Almost threatened | |||
Zelotes clivicola | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 75 | Not endangered | |||
Zelotes electus | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 07/16/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 66 | Almost threatened | |||
Zelotes erebeus | (Thorell, 1871) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 35 | Endangered | |||
Zelotes exiguus | (Müller & Schenkel, 1895) | 05/19/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Libčice nad Vltavou | 11 | Endangered | |||
Zelotes hermani | (Chyzer, 1897) | 1985, Eva Staňková, Plumlov | 2 | ||||
Zelotes latreillei | (Simon, 1878) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Nový Jáchymov | 131 | Not endangered | |||
Zelotes longipes | (L. Koch, 1866) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 40 | Almost threatened | |||
Zelotes mundus | (Kulczyński, 1897) | ||||||
Zelotes petrensis | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda | 137 | Not endangered | |||
Zelotes puritanus | Chamberlin, 1922 | 05/17/1966, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Tetín, č. o. Koda | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Zelotes segrex | (Simon, 1878) | 06/16/1941, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Zelotes subterraneus | (C. L. Koch, 1833) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 191 | Not endangered | |||
Family Hahniidae (9x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Antistea | Antistea elegans | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 106 | Almost threatened | ||
Hahnia (4x) | Hahnia helveola | Simon, 1875 | 05/15/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Kardašova Řečice | 32 | Almost threatened | ||
Hahnia nava | (Blackwall, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 88 | Not endangered | |||
Hahnia ononidum | Simon, 1875 | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 24 | Almost threatened | |||
Hahnia pusilla | C. L. Koch, 1841 | 05/11/1900, Karel Absolon starší, Sloup | 110 | Not endangered | |||
Hahniharmia | Hahniharmia picta | (Kulczyński, 1897) | 09/04/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Iberina (3x) | Iberina candida | (Simon, 1875) | 09/24/2019, Mgr. Jan Dolanský, Praha | 1 | Strongly endangered | ||
Iberina difficilis | (Harm, 1966) | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 27 | Endangered | |||
Iberina microphthalma | (Snazell & Duffey, 1980) | 05/17/2011, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Korno | 8 | Almost threatened | |||
Family Linyphiidae (318x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Abacoproeces | Abacoproeces saltuum | (L. Koch, 1872) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 72 | Not endangered | ||
Acartauchenius | Acartauchenius scurrilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1903, Jiří Roubal, Vrané nad Vltavou | 26 | Endangered | ||
Agnyphantes | Agnyphantes expunctus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 08/21/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Vítkovice | 5 | Strongly endangered | ||
Agyneta (14x) | Agyneta affinis | (Kulczyński, 1898) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Senorady | 58 | Not endangered | ||
Agyneta cauta | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1903) | 1947, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 34 | Almost threatened | |||
Agyneta conigera | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 49 | Not endangered | |||
Agyneta decora | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 06/23/1960, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Pec pod Sněžkou, č. o. Dolní Malá Úpa | 3 | Missing | |||
Agyneta equestris | (L. Koch, 1881) | 05/14/1948, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lelekovice | 14 | Strongly endangered | |||
Agyneta fuscipalpa | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 1930, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 8 | Strongly endangered | |||
Agyneta innotabilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 1947, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 10 | Endangered | |||
Agyneta milleri | (Thaler, Buchar & Kůrka, 1997) | 01/31/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Vítkovice | 4 | Endangered | |||
Agyneta mollis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 24 | Almost threatened | |||
Agyneta ramosa | Jackson, 1912 | 05/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 16 | Endangered | |||
Agyneta rurestris | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Špindlerův Mlýn | 242 | Not endangered | |||
Agyneta saxatilis | (Blackwall, 1844) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 120 | Not endangered | |||
Agyneta simplicitarsis | (Simon, 1884) | 05/17/1965, Vladimír Bukva, Mikulov (okr. Břeclav), č. o. Klentnice | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Agyneta subtilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 30 | Endangered | |||
Allomengea (2x) | Allomengea scopigera | (Grube, 1859) | 1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Vítkovice | 30 | Not endangered | ||
Allomengea vidua | (L. Koch, 1879) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 43 | Almost threatened | |||
Anguliphantes (2x) | Anguliphantes angulipalpis | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 46 | Almost threatened | ||
Anguliphantes tripartitus | (Miller & Svatoň, 1978) | 1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Vítkovice | 43 | Not endangered | |||
Aphileta | Aphileta misera | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 26 | Endangered | ||
Araeoncus (2x) | Araeoncus crassiceps | (Westring, 1861) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 28 | Almost threatened | ||
Araeoncus humilis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 113 | Not endangered | |||
Asthenargus (3x) | Asthenargus helveticus | Schenkel, 1936 | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 66 | Not endangered | ||
Asthenargus paganus | (Simon, 1884) | 1952, J. Nosek, Jablunkov, č. o. Horní Lomná | 19 | Not endangered | |||
Asthenargus perforatus | Schenkel, 1929 | 1949, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Sobotín, č. o. Klepáčov | 9 | Almost threatened | |||
Baryphyma | Baryphyma pratense | (Blackwall, 1861) | 1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Soběslav, č. o. Soběslav I | 4 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Bathyphantes (8x) | Bathyphantes approximatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 118 | Not endangered | ||
Bathyphantes eumenis | (L. Koch, 1879) | 04/23/1975, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Koberovy, č. o. Besedice | 6 | Not endangered | |||
Bathyphantes eumenis buchari | Růžička, 1988 | 05/30/1983, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Loučovice | 20 | Not endangered | |||
Bathyphantes gracilis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 157 | Not endangered | |||
Bathyphantes nigrinus | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 172 | Not endangered | |||
Bathyphantes parvulus | (Westring, 1851) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 115 | Not endangered | |||
Bathyphantes setiger | F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 | 08/10/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 18 | Strongly endangered | |||
Bathyphantes similis | Kulczyński, 1894 | 1970, Sýkořice | 15 | Not endangered | |||
Bolephthyphantes | Bolephthyphantes index | (Thorell, 1856) | 10/17/1985, Jan Vaněk, Pec pod Sněžkou | 2 | Strongly endangered | ||
Bolyphantes (2x) | Bolyphantes alticeps | (Sundevall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 91 | Not endangered | ||
Bolyphantes luteolus | (Blackwall, 1833) | 07/31/1946, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Branná, č. o. Ostružná | 9 | Endangered | |||
Canariphantes | Canariphantes nanus | (Kulczyński, 1898) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Carorita | Carorita limnaea | (Crosby & Bishop, 1927) | 05/21/1981, RNDr. Antonín Kůrka, Stožec, č. o. Dobrá | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Caviphantes | Caviphantes saxetorum | (Hull, 1916) | 06/20/2013, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Tovačov | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Centromerita (2x) | Centromerita bicolor | (Blackwall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 88 | Not endangered | ||
Centromerita concinna | (Thorell, 1875) | 06/22/1958, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Hořešovice, č. o. Zichovec | 15 | Not endangered | |||
Centromerus (17x) | Centromerus arcanus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Špindlerův Mlýn | 78 | Not endangered | ||
Centromerus brevipalpus | (Menge, 1866) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 12 | Almost threatened | |||
Centromerus capucinus | (Simon, 1884) | 05/20/1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 10 | Strongly endangered | |||
Centromerus cavernarum | (L. Koch, 1872) | 05/15/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Kardašova Řečice | 31 | Not endangered | |||
Centromerus dilutus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Nová Pec, č. o. Želnava | 1 | Missing | |||
Centromerus incilium | (L. Koch, 1881) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 51 | Endangered | |||
Centromerus leruthi | Fage, 1933 | 05/15/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Kardašova Řečice | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Centromerus levitarsis | (Simon, 1884) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 23 | Endangered | |||
Centromerus pabulator | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 1875, Pec pod Sněžkou | 53 | Not endangered | |||
Centromerus persimilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1912) | 09/18/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Olší | 3 | Strongly endangered | |||
Centromerus piccolo | Weiss, 1996 | 10/11/2018, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Mgr. Jan Dolanský, Pouzdřany | 2 | ||||
Centromerus prudens | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 03/21/1972, Kokořín | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Centromerus sellarius | (Simon, 1884) | 1952, J. Nosek, Jablunkov, č. o. Horní Lomná | 72 | Not endangered | |||
Centromerus semiater | (L. Koch, 1879) | 02/01/1942, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Dráchov | 14 | Strongly endangered | |||
Centromerus serratus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 10/15/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Nová Pec, č. o. Želnava | 20 | Almost threatened | |||
Centromerus silvicola | (Kulczyński, 1887) | 09/15/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 30 | Not endangered | |||
Centromerus sylvaticus | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 214 | Not endangered | |||
Ceratinella (5x) | Ceratinella brevipes | (Westring, 1851) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Ceratinella brevis | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 191 | Not endangered | |||
Ceratinella major | Kulczyński, 1894 | 08/02/1968, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Lovosice, č. o. Bílinka | 31 | Almost threatened | |||
Ceratinella scabrosa | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 36 | Not endangered | |||
Ceratinella wideri | (Thorell, 1871) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Cinetata | Cinetata gradata | (Simon, 1881) | 05/25/1997, Vendulka Křížová, Řikonín | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Cnephalocotes | Cnephalocotes obscurus | (Blackwall, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 68 | Not endangered | ||
Collinsia (2x) | Collinsia distincta | (Simon, 1884) | 1962, B. Novák, Náklo | 7 | Strongly endangered | ||
Collinsia inerrans | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885) | 06/01/2017, Alice Háková, Kralupy nad Vltavou | 2 | E | |||
Dactylopisthes | Dactylopisthes digiticeps | (Simon, 1881) | 2022, Jan Dolanský (Dolanský 2023) | ||||
Dicymbium (2x) | Dicymbium nigrum | (Blackwall, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 137 | Not endangered | ||
Dicymbium tibiale | (Blackwall, 1836) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 52 | Almost threatened | |||
Diplocentria | Diplocentria bidentata | (Emerton, 1882) | 09/16/1971, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Litoměřice, č. o. Kamýk | 10 | Endangered | ||
Diplocephalus (6x) | Diplocephalus cristatus | (Blackwall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 119 | Not endangered | ||
Diplocephalus dentatus | Tullgren, 1955 | 05/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 3 | Strongly endangered | |||
Diplocephalus helleri | (L. Koch, 1869) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Špindlerův Mlýn | 27 | Not endangered | |||
Diplocephalus latifrons | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 161 | Not endangered | |||
Diplocephalus permixtus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 24 | Almost threatened | |||
Diplocephalus picinus | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 153 | Not endangered | |||
Diplostyla | Diplostyla concolor | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 268 | Not endangered | ||
Dismodicus (2x) | Dismodicus bifrons | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 130 | Not endangered | ||
Dismodicus elevatus | (C. L. Koch, 1838) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Řevnice | 40 | Almost threatened | |||
Donacochara | Donacochara speciosa | (Thorell, 1875) | 08/19/1955, Hana Hiršová, Šakvice | 37 | Almost threatened | ||
Drapetisca | Drapetisca socialis | (Sundevall, 1833) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 124 | Not endangered | ||
Drepanotylus | Drepanotylus uncatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 49 | Almost threatened | ||
Entelecara (6x) | Entelecara acuminata | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 90 | Not endangered | ||
Entelecara congenera | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 78 | Not endangered | |||
Entelecara erythropus | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 45 | Not endangered | |||
Entelecara flavipes | (Blackwall, 1834) | 06/24/1970, Pavlov u Dolních Věstonic | 17 | Almost threatened | |||
Entelecara obscura | Miller, 1971 | 1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 1 | Missing | |||
Entelecara omissa | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1903 | 05/30/1999, Michal Holec, Sedlec (okr. Břeclav) | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Erigone (6x) | Erigone atra | Blackwall, 1833 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 273 | Not endangered | ||
Erigone autumnalis | Emerton, 1882 | I-N-I | |||||
Erigone cristatopalpus | Simon, 1884 | 08/10/2003, Mgr. Iveta Chvátalová, Ph.D., Karlova Studánka | 1 | ||||
Erigone dentipalpis | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 200 | Not endangered | |||
Erigone dentosa | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 | 10/28/2020, Stanislav Korenko, Nový Vestec, č. o. Káraný | 2 | ||||
Erigone jaegeri | Baehr, 1984 | 06/11/1973, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Záměl | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Erigonella (2x) | Erigonella hiemalis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 89 | Not endangered | ||
Erigonella ignobilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 26 | Endangered | |||
Erigonoplus (3x) | Erigonoplus foveatus | (Dahl, 1912) | 06/04/1996, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Bzenec | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Erigonoplus globipes | (L. Koch, 1872) | 05/05/1966, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Louny, č. o. Raná | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Erigonoplus jarmilae | (Miller, 1943) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 22 | Endangered | |||
Evansia | Evansia merens | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Karlova Studánka | 8 | Endangered | ||
Floronia | Floronia bucculenta | (Clerck, 1757) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 89 | Not endangered | ||
Formiphantes | Formiphantes lephthyphantiformis | (Strand, 1907) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Karlova Studánka | 13 | Not endangered | ||
Frontinellina | Frontinellina frutetorum | (C. L. Koch, 1835) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 13 | Strongly endangered | ||
Glyphesis | Glyphesis servulus | (Simon, 1881) | 06/17/1978, Milan Antuš, Ústí nad Labem, č. o. Brná nad Labem | 6 | Strongly endangered | ||
Gnathonarium | Gnathonarium dentatum | (Wider, 1834) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 79 | Not endangered | ||
Gonatium (4x) | Gonatium hilare | (Thorell, 1875) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 11 | Strongly endangered | ||
Gonatium paradoxum | (L. Koch, 1869) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 32 | Almost threatened | |||
Gonatium rubellum | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 81 | Not endangered | |||
Gonatium rubens | (Blackwall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 19 | Almost threatened | |||
Gongylidiellum (4x) | Gongylidiellum edentatum | Miller, 1951 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 23 | Endangered | ||
Gongylidiellum latebricola | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 99 | Not endangered | |||
Gongylidiellum murcidum | Simon, 1884 | 07/23/1961, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň II | 20 | Endangered | |||
Gongylidiellum vivum | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 1936, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 80 | Almost threatened | |||
Gongylidium | Gongylidium rufipes | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 119 | Not endangered | ||
Helophora | Helophora insignis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 96 | Not endangered | ||
Heterotrichoncus | Heterotrichoncus pusillus | (Miller, 1958) | 06/15/1951, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 2 | Missing | ||
Hilaira | Hilaira excisa | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1952, J. Nosek, Jablunkov, č. o. Horní Lomná | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Hylyphantes (2x) | Hylyphantes graminicola | (Sundevall, 1830) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 40 | Almost threatened | ||
Hylyphantes nigritus | (Simon, 1881) | 07/21/1938, RNDr. Augustin Hoffer, Pouzdřany | 1 | Missing | |||
Hypomma (3x) | Hypomma bituberculatum | (Wider, 1834) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Kladeruby nad Oslavou | 84 | Not endangered | ||
Hypomma cornutum | (Blackwall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, Františkovy Lázně | 31 | Almost threatened | |||
Hypomma fulvum | (Bösenberg, 1902) | 07/14/1965, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Přeseka | 3 | Missing | |||
Improphantes (4x) | Improphantes decolor | (Westring, 1861) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 3 | Endangered | ||
Improphantes geniculatus | (Kulczyński, 1898) | 03/01/1961, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 12 | Strongly endangered | |||
Improphantes improbulus | (Simon, 1929) | 1939, Adamov | 3 | Endangered | |||
Improphantes nitidus | (Thorell, 1875) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 35 | Almost threatened | |||
Incestophantes | Incestophantes crucifer | (Menge, 1866) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 9 | Endangered | ||
Ipa (2x) | Ipa keyserlingi | (Ausserer, 1867) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 37 | Endangered | ||
Ipa terrenus | (L. Koch, 1879) | 04/08/1957, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 7 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Jacksonella | Jacksonella falconeri | (Jackson, 1908) | 04/23/1971, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou | 1 | Missing | ||
Kaestneria (3x) | Kaestneria dorsalis | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 69 | Almost threatened | ||
Kaestneria pullata | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 1969, Radoslav Obrtel, Sedlec (okr. Břeclav) | 22 | Endangered | |||
Kaestneria torrentum | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 07/31/1946, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Bělá pod Pradědem, č. o. Domašov | 3 | Endangered | |||
Kratochviliella | Kratochviliella bicapitata | Miller, 1938 | 06/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 12 | Endangered | ||
Labulla | Labulla thoracica | (Wider, 1834) | 08/06/1892, Antonín Nosek, Tanvald | 57 | Not endangered | ||
Lasiargus | Lasiargus hirsutus | (Menge, 1869) | 06/16/1970, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Český Krumlov, č. o. Vyšný | 10 | Endangered | ||
Lepthyphantes (4x) | Lepthyphantes leprosus | (Ohlert, 1865) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Nýrsko | 93 | Not endangered | ||
Lepthyphantes minutus | (Blackwall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 70 | Not endangered | |||
Lepthyphantes nodifer | Simon, 1884 | 1938, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 37 | Almost threatened | |||
Lepthyphantes notabilis | Kulczyński, 1887 | 1970, Sýkořice | 31 | Not endangered | |||
Leptorhoptrum | Leptorhoptrum robustum | (Westring, 1851) | 1930, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 67 | Not endangered | ||
Lessertia | Lessertia dentichelis | (Simon, 1884) | 04/01/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 3 | Almost threatened | ||
Linyphia (3x) | Linyphia hortensis | Sundevall, 1830 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 183 | Not endangered | ||
Linyphia tenuipalpis | Simon, 1884 | 01/01/1985, Pec | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Linyphia triangularis | (Clerck, 1757) | 1934, Dr. Jan Obenberger, Unhošť, č. o. Malé Kyšice | 275 | Not endangered | |||
Lophomma | Lophomma punctatum | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 60 | Almost threatened | ||
Macrargus (2x) | Macrargus carpenteri | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895) | 10/08/1958, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Hořešovice, č. o. Zichovec | 11 | Endangered | ||
Macrargus rufus | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 158 | Not endangered | |||
Mansuphantes (2x) | Mansuphantes arciger | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 9 | Almost threatened | ||
Mansuphantes mansuetus | (Thorell, 1875) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 102 | Not endangered | |||
Maro (4x) | Maro lehtineni | Saaristo, 1971 | 06/01/1983, Jan Vaněk, Pec pod Sněžkou | 1 | Missing | ||
Maro lepidus | Casemir, 1961 | 07/08/1953, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Maro minutus | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1907 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 18 | Endangered | |||
Maro sublestus | Falconer, 1915 | 04/10/1962, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Novosedly nad Nežárkou, č. o. Mláka | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Maso (2x) | Maso gallicus | Simon, 1894 | 06/12/1973, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Týniště nad Orlicí | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Maso sundevalli | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 152 | Not endangered | |||
Mecopisthes | Mecopisthes silus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 31 | Almost threatened | ||
Mecynargus | Mecynargus morulus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 10/02/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Vítkovice | 2 | Strongly endangered | ||
Megalepthyphantes (3x) | Megalepthyphantes collinus | (L. Koch, 1872) | 09/15/1961, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 10 | Strongly endangered | ||
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus | (Sundevall, 1830) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 40 | Not endangered | |||
Megalepthyphantes pseudocollinus | Saaristo, 1997 | 10/29/1994, Josef Chytil, Milovice (okr. Břeclav) | 5 | Almost threatened | |||
Mermessus | Mermessus trilobatus | (Emerton, 1882) | 01/06/2007, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Kadaň, č. o. Úhošťany | 48 | I-N-I | Not endangered | |
Metopobactrus (2x) | Metopobactrus ascitus | (Kulczyński, 1894) | 1959, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 4 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Metopobactrus prominulus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 17 | Endangered | |||
Micrargus (5x) | Micrargus apertus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 06/18/1983, Jan Vaněk, Pec pod Sněžkou | 36 | Not endangered | ||
Micrargus georgescuae | Millidge, 1976 | 08/26/1982, Jan Vaněk, Harrachov | 21 | Not endangered | |||
Micrargus herbigradus | (Blackwall, 1854) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 232 | Not endangered | |||
Micrargus laudatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881) | 05/13/2022, Petr Veselý, Květoslav Resl, Pouzdřany | 1 | ||||
Micrargus subaequalis | (Westring, 1851) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 58 | Not endangered | |||
Microctenonyx | Microctenonyx subitaneus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 05/25/2003, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Břeclav | 2 | Strongly endangered | ||
Microlinyphia (2x) | Microlinyphia impigra | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1970, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 34 | Endangered | ||
Microlinyphia pusilla | (Sundevall, 1830) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Turnov | 182 | Not endangered | |||
Microneta | Microneta viaria | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Nýrsko | 224 | Not endangered | ||
Midia | Midia midas | (Simon, 1884) | 08/01/1986, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Chlum u Třeboně, č. o. Lutová | 4 | Strongly endangered | ||
Minicia | Minicia marginella | (Wider, 1834) | 01/01/1938, Lnáře, č. o. Tchořovice | 29 | Endangered | ||
Minyriolus | Minyriolus pusillus | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Mioxena | Mioxena blanda | (Simon, 1884) | 10/15/1974, Hana Potužáková, Praha, č. o. Praha 7 | 11 | Almost threatened | ||
Moebelia | Moebelia penicillata | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 34 | Not endangered | ||
Mughiphantes (2x) | Mughiphantes mughi | (Fickert, 1875) | 1875, C. Fickert, Špindlerův Mlýn | 21 | Not endangered | ||
Mughiphantes pulcher | (Kulczyński, 1881) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 16 | Almost threatened | |||
Nematogmus | Nematogmus sanguinolentus | (Walckenaer, 1841) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Nový Jáchymov | 36 | Endangered | ||
Neriene (6x) | Neriene clathrata | (Sundevall, 1830) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 235 | Not endangered | ||
Neriene emphana | (Walckenaer, 1841) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 70 | Not endangered | |||
Neriene furtiva | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 2 | Missing | |||
Neriene montana | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 113 | Not endangered | |||
Neriene peltata | (Wider, 1834) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Nýrsko | 88 | Not endangered | |||
Neriene radiata | (Walckenaer, 1841) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda | 93 | Not endangered | |||
Notioscopus | Notioscopus sarcinatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 47 | Almost threatened | ||
Nusoncus | Nusoncus nasutus | (Schenkel, 1925) | 06/15/1977, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Stožec | 14 | Not endangered | ||
Obscuriphantes | Obscuriphantes obscurus | (Blackwall, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 52 | Not endangered | ||
Oedothorax (6x) | Oedothorax agrestis | (Blackwall, 1853) | 1894, C. Chochole, Kučeř, č. o. Květov | 83 | Not endangered | ||
Oedothorax apicatus | (Blackwall, 1850) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 171 | Not endangered | |||
Oedothorax fuscus | (Blackwall, 1834) | 1894, C. Chochole, Kučeř, č. o. Květov | 46 | Not endangered | |||
Oedothorax gibbifer | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 06/10/1973, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Skuhrov nad Bělou | 9 | Endangered | |||
Oedothorax gibbosus | (Blackwall, 1841) | 07/31/1946, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 137 | Not endangered | |||
Oedothorax retusus | (Westring, 1851) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Skryje | 133 | Not endangered | |||
Oreoneta | Oreoneta tatrica | (Kulczyński, 1915) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 15 | Not endangered | ||
Oreonetides (2x) | Oreonetides quadridentatus | (Wunderlich, 1972) | 08/27/2005, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Vratislav Laška, Skuteč, č. o. Hluboká | 1 | Almost threatened | ||
Oreonetides vaginatus | (Thorell, 1872) | 1875, C. Fickert, Pec pod Sněžkou | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Oryphantes | Oryphantes angulatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 11 | Endangered | ||
Ostearius | Ostearius melanopygius | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1880) | 1970, Sýkořice | 45 | I-N-I | Not endangered | |
Palliduphantes (5x) | Palliduphantes alutacius | (Simon, 1884) | 1969, Radoslav Obrtel, Břeclav, č. o. Charvátská Nová Ves | 72 | Not endangered | ||
Palliduphantes ericaeus | (Blackwall, 1853) | 03/30/2014, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Výsluní | 2 | Strongly endangered | |||
Palliduphantes insignis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1913) | 04/12/1945, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Soběslav, č. o. Soběslav I | 27 | Almost threatened | |||
Palliduphantes pallidus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 130 | Not endangered | |||
Palliduphantes pillichi | (Kulczyński, 1915) | 04/15/2017, Pavel Krásenský, Pouzdřany | 1 | ||||
Panamomops (6x) | Panamomops affinis | Miller & Kratochvíl, 1939 | 06/01/1939, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 22 | Endangered | ||
Panamomops fagei | Miller & Kratochvíl, 1939 | 12/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Tišnov, č. o. Železné | 18 | Endangered | |||
Panamomops inconspicuus | (Miller & Valešová, 1964) | 05/25/1960, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 19 | Strongly endangered | |||
Panamomops latifrons | Miller, 1959 | 05/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 2 | Missing | |||
Panamomops mengei | Simon, 1926 | 1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 34 | Not endangered | |||
Panamomops sulcifrons | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 8 | Endangered | |||
Parapelecopsis | Parapelecopsis nemoralis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 07/14/1985, Jiří Šmaha, Mlečice, č. o. Ostrovec | 4 | Endangered | ||
Pelecopsis (4x) | Pelecopsis elongata | (Wider, 1834) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 46 | Almost threatened | ||
Pelecopsis mengei | (Simon, 1884) | 05/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Pelecopsis parallela | (Wider, 1834) | 1936, J. Kašpar, Červený Kostelec | 30 | Not endangered | |||
Pelecopsis radicicola | (L. Koch, 1872) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 65 | Not endangered | |||
Peponocranium (2x) | Peponocranium orbiculatum | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Křivoklát | 19 | Strongly endangered | ||
Peponocranium praeceps | Miller, 1943 | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Senorady | 3 | Strongly endangered | |||
Piniphantes | Piniphantes pinicola | (Simon, 1884) | 09/25/2011, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Brodce | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Pityohyphantes | Pityohyphantes phrygianus | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 102 | Not endangered | ||
Pocadicnemis (3x) | Pocadicnemis carpatica | (Chyzer, 1894) | 11/06/1981, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Hluboká nad Vltavou, č. o. Purkarec | 6 | Endangered | ||
Pocadicnemis juncea | Locket & Millidge, 1953 | 08/15/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Železná Ruda, č. o. Hojsova Stráž | 59 | Not endangered | |||
Pocadicnemis pumila | (Blackwall, 1841) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 151 | Not endangered | |||
Poeciloneta | Poeciloneta variegata | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 25 | Almost threatened | ||
Porrhomma (14x) | Porrhomma cambridgei | Merrett, 1994 | 05/02/1999, Mgr. Lenka Kubcová, Ph.D., Srbsko | 9 | Endangered | ||
Porrhomma campbelli | F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 | 06/13/1960, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Stará Hlína | 11 | Endangered | |||
Porrhomma convexum | (Westring, 1851) | 07/17/1899, Karel Absolon starší, Sloup | 24 | Almost threatened | |||
Porrhomma egeria | Simon, 1884 | 1899, Karel Absolon starší, Blansko, č. o. Těchov | 44 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma errans | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1959, B. Novák, Ivanovice na Hané, č. o. Chvalkovice na Hané | 5 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma microcavense | Wunderlich, 1990 | 06/01/2000, Luboš Beran, Střemy, č. o. Lhotka | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Porrhomma microphthalmum | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Adamov | 108 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma microps | (Roewer, 1931) | 05/23/1964, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Dolní Věstonice | 29 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma montanum | Jackson, 1913 | 03/15/1959, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 11 | Endangered | |||
Porrhomma oblitum | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 06/23/1972, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Prasek, č. o. Kobylice | 17 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma pallidum | Jackson, 1913 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 45 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma profundum | M. Dahl, 1939 | 06/17/2006, Roman Mlejnek, Štramberk | 2 | Strongly endangered | |||
Porrhomma pygmaeum | (Blackwall, 1834) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 73 | Not endangered | |||
Porrhomma rosenhaueri | (L. Koch, 1872) | 05/29/1994, Petr Antuš, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Branov | 6 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Prinerigone | Prinerigone vagans | (Audouin, 1826) | 10/17/1952, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 8 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Pseudocarorita | Pseudocarorita thaleri | (Saaristo, 1971) | 05/08/1988, Jiří Šmaha, Mlečice | 6 | Endangered | ||
Pseudomaro | Pseudomaro aenigmaticus | Denis, 1966 | 03/30/2002, Bubovice | 2 | Almost threatened | ||
Saaristoa (2x) | Saaristoa abnormis | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 12 | Strongly endangered | ||
Saaristoa firma | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906) | 11/01/1968, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Bystrá nad Jizerou | 24 | Not endangered | |||
Saloca (2x) | Saloca diceros | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 09/09/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Lipová-lázně, č. o. Horní Lipová | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Saloca kulczynskii | Miller & Kratochvíl, 1939 | 1952, J. Nosek, Jablunkov, č. o. Horní Lomná | 5 | Almost threatened | |||
Satilatlas | Satilatlas britteni | (Jackson, 1913) | 06/01/1977, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň I | 1 | Missing | ||
Savignia | Savignia frontata | Blackwall, 1833 | 11/23/1873, Františkovy Lázně | 3 | Strongly endangered | ||
Scotargus | Scotargus pilosus | Simon, 1913 | 05/12/1974, Zdeněk Mráček, Kuničky | 12 | Not endangered | ||
Semljicola | Semljicola faustus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 11 | Strongly endangered | ||
Silometopus (2x) | Silometopus elegans | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1958, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Železná Ruda, č. o. Hojsova Stráž | 24 | Endangered | ||
Silometopus reussi | (Thorell, 1871) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 18 | Not endangered | |||
Sintula (2x) | Sintula corniger | (Blackwall, 1856) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 35 | Almost threatened | ||
Sintula spiniger | (Balogh, 1935) | 09/30/2009, Hodonín | 1 | E | Strongly endangered | ||
Sisicus | Sisicus apertus | (Holm, 1939) | 06/20/1991, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Teplice nad Metují | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Staveleya | Staveleya pusilla | (Menge, 1869) | 04/10/1963, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 7 | Strongly endangered | ||
Stemonyphantes (2x) | Stemonyphantes conspersus | (L. Koch, 1879) | 1930, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 2 | Missing | ||
Stemonyphantes lineatus | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 80 | Not endangered | |||
Styloctetor (2x) | Styloctetor compar | (Westring, 1861) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Senorady | 17 | Endangered | ||
Styloctetor romanus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1940, Vladimír Šilhavý, Třebíč, č. o. Vnitřní Město | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Syedra (2x) | Syedra gracilis | (Menge, 1869) | 08/01/1961, Ema Laštovková, Tetín, č. o. Koda | 7 | Endangered | ||
Syedra myrmicarum | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 07/11/1995, Mgr. Aleš Jelínek, Brtnice, č. o. Přímělkov | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Tallusia | Tallusia experta | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 95 | Not endangered | ||
Tapinocyba (4x) | Tapinocyba affinis | Lessert, 1907 | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 61 | Not endangered | ||
Tapinocyba biscissa | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 9 | Almost threatened | |||
Tapinocyba insecta | (L. Koch, 1869) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 88 | Not endangered | |||
Tapinocyba pallens | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 07/26/2010, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Místo | 1 | Strongly endangered | |||
Tapinocyboides | Tapinocyboides pygmaeus | (Menge, 1869) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 19 | Endangered | ||
Tapinopa | Tapinopa longidens | (Wider, 1834) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Nýrsko | 58 | Not endangered | ||
Taranucnus | Taranucnus setosus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 14 | Strongly endangered | ||
Tenuiphantes (7x) | Tenuiphantes alacris | (Blackwall, 1853) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 142 | Not endangered | ||
Tenuiphantes cristatus | (Menge, 1866) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 157 | Not endangered | |||
Tenuiphantes flavipes | (Blackwall, 1854) | 07/08/1900, Karel Absolon starší, Sloup | 192 | Not endangered | |||
Tenuiphantes mengei | (Kulczyński, 1887) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Nový Jáchymov | 176 | Not endangered | |||
Tenuiphantes tenebricola | (Wider, 1834) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 193 | Not endangered | |||
Tenuiphantes tenuis | (Blackwall, 1852) | 1930, Schubert, Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 83 | Not endangered | |||
Tenuiphantes zimmermanni | (Bertkau, 1890) | 09/25/1968, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Bystrá nad Jizerou | 5 | Endangered | |||
Theonina (2x) | Theonina cornix | (Simon, 1881) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 16 | Endangered | ||
Theonina kratochvili | Miller & Weiss, 1979 | 05/06/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 8 | Endangered | |||
Thyreosthenius (2x) | Thyreosthenius biovatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 03/17/1974, Lány (okr. Rakovník), č. o. Lány | 12 | Endangered | ||
Thyreosthenius parasiticus | (Westring, 1851) | 04/16/1967, Jaroslav Martínek, Ševětín, č. o. Chotýčany | 78 | Not endangered | |||
Tiso | Tiso vagans | (Blackwall, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 61 | Not endangered | ||
Tmeticus | Tmeticus affinis | (Blackwall, 1855) | 1983, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Trematocephalus | Trematocephalus cristatus | (Wider, 1834) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zbečno | 149 | Not endangered | ||
Trichoncoides | Trichoncoides piscator | (Simon, 1884) | 05/15/1938, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno I | 4 | Missing | ||
Trichoncus (3x) | Trichoncus affinis | Kulczyński, 1894 | 05/04/1971, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Prasek | 9 | Endangered | ||
Trichoncus auritus | (L. Koch, 1869) | 07/21/1938, RNDr. Augustin Hoffer, Pouzdřany | 18 | Endangered | |||
Trichoncus hackmani | Millidge, 1955 | 08/15/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 4 | Strongly endangered | |||
Trichoncyboides | Trichoncyboides simoni | (Lessert, 1904) | 04/30/1975, Zdeněk Mráček, Kuničky | 2 | Endangered | ||
Trichopterna | Trichopterna cito | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 49 | Endangered | ||
Trichopternoides | Trichopternoides thorelli | (Westring, 1861) | 05/08/1960, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kamenice (okr. Praha-vých.), č. o. Kamenice | 12 | Almost threatened | ||
Troglohyphantes | Troglohyphantes gregori | (Miller, 1947) | |||||
Troxochrus | Troxochrus scabriculus | (Westring, 1851) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 26 | Not endangered | ||
Typhochrestus | Typhochrestus digitatus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Jindřichův Hradec, č. o. Jindřichův Hradec I | 36 | Almost threatened | ||
Walckenaeria (19x) | Walckenaeria acuminata | Blackwall, 1833 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 49 | Not endangered | ||
Walckenaeria alticeps | (Denis, 1952) | 06/16/1964, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Františkovy Lázně, č. o. Nový Drahov | 46 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria antica | (Wider, 1834) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 104 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria atrotibialis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1878) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 150 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria capito | (Westring, 1861) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 36 | Almost threatened | |||
Walckenaeria corniculans | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 48 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria cucullata | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 110 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria cuspidata | Blackwall, 1833 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 62 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria dysderoides | (Wider, 1834) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Senorady | 95 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria furcillata | (Menge, 1869) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 88 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria kochi | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hřebečníky, č. o. Týřovice | 53 | Almost threatened | |||
Walckenaeria mitrata | (Menge, 1868) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Hořovice | 43 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria monoceros | (Wider, 1834) | 03/01/1961, Eva Žďárková, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Walckenaeria nodosa | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 18 | Endangered | |||
Walckenaeria nudipalpis | (Westring, 1851) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Kladeruby nad Oslavou | 78 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria obtusa | Blackwall, 1836 | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 90 | Not endangered | |||
Walckenaeria simplex | Chyzer, 1894 | 09/12/1956, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Doubravník | 18 | Endangered | |||
Walckenaeria unicornis | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861 | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 32 | Almost threatened | |||
Walckenaeria vigilax | (Blackwall, 1853) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 38 | Not endangered | |||
Wubanoides | Wubanoides uralensis lithodytes | Schikora, 2004 | 08/21/1987, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Česká Kamenice, č. o. Líska | 9 | Not endangered | ||
Family Liocranidae (10x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Agroeca (4x) | Agroeca brunnea | (Blackwall, 1833) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Budějovické Předměstí | 192 | Not endangered | ||
Agroeca cuprea | Menge, 1873 | 1898, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 74 | Almost threatened | |||
Agroeca lusatica | (L. Koch, 1875) | 06/05/1968, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Přerov nad Labem | 11 | Endangered | |||
Agroeca proxima | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 50 | Not endangered | |||
Apostenus | Apostenus fuscus | Westring, 1851 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 86 | Not endangered | ||
Drapeta | Drapeta rutilans | (Thorell, 1875) | 1894, Bílina | 10 | Strongly endangered | ||
Liocranoeca | Liocranoeca striata | (Kulczyński, 1882) | 11/13/1976, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Prasek, č. o. Kobylice | 22 | Almost threatened | ||
Liocranum | Liocranum rupicola | (Walckenaer, 1830) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Děčín, č. o. Děčín I | 81 | Not endangered | ||
Scotina (2x) | Scotina celans | (Blackwall, 1841) | 11/15/1968, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 17 | Endangered | ||
Scotina palliardii | (L. Koch, 1881) | 08/15/1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 15 | Endangered | |||
Family Lycosidae (65x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Acantholycosa (2x) | Acantholycosa lignaria | (Clerck, 1757) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Srní, č. o. Modrava | 14 | Strongly endangered | ||
Acantholycosa norvegica sudetica | (L. Koch, 1875) | 1875, Pec pod Sněžkou | 19 | Endangered | |||
Alopecosa (15x) | Alopecosa aculeata | (Clerck, 1757) | 05/10/1957, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň II | 43 | Endangered | ||
Alopecosa cuneata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 181 | Not endangered | |||
Alopecosa cursor | (Hahn, 1831) | 1929, Mikulov (okr. Břeclav), č. o. Mikulov | 8 | Strongly endangered | |||
Alopecosa fabrilis | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 6 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Alopecosa farinosa | (Herman, 1879) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Roztoky | 96 | Not endangered | |||
Alopecosa inquilina | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 44 | Almost threatened | |||
Alopecosa pinetorum | (Thorell, 1856) | 10/08/1983, RNDr. Zdeněk Majkus, CSc., Branná, č. o. Ostružná | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Alopecosa psammophila | Buchar, 2001 | 06/04/1996, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Bzenec | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Alopecosa pulverulenta | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 273 | Not endangered | |||
Alopecosa schmidti | (Hahn, 1835) | 1894, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 26 | Strongly endangered | |||
Alopecosa solitaria | (Herman, 1879) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Křižanovice | 13 | Strongly endangered | |||
Alopecosa striatipes | (C. L. Koch, 1839) | 1929, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Velké Meziříčí | 7 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Alopecosa sulzeri | (Pavesi, 1873) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 40 | Endangered | |||
Alopecosa taeniata | (C. L. Koch, 1835) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 119 | Not endangered | |||
Alopecosa trabalis | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 94 | Not endangered | |||
Arctosa (7x) | Arctosa alpigena lamperti | Dahl, 1908 | 08/21/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 11 | Strongly endangered | ||
Arctosa cinerea | (Fabricius, 1777) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 30 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Arctosa figurata | (Simon, 1876) | 05/26/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Srbsko | 40 | Endangered | |||
Arctosa leopardus | (Sundevall, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 81 | Endangered | |||
Arctosa lutetiana | (Simon, 1876) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 31 | Endangered | |||
Arctosa maculata | (Hahn, 1822) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Jílové | 23 | Strongly endangered | |||
Arctosa perita | (Latreille, 1799) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 20 | Strongly endangered | |||
Aulonia | Aulonia albimana | (Walckenaer, 1805) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 214 | Not endangered | ||
Hygrolycosa | Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata | (Ohlert, 1865) | 05/08/1961, Jaroslav Martínek, Chlum u Třeboně, č. o. Lutová | 27 | Endangered | ||
Lycosa | Lycosa singoriensis | (Laxmann, 1770) | 1924, Břeclav | 28 | E | Almost threatened | |
Pardosa (25x) | Pardosa agrestis | (Westring, 1861) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 128 | Not endangered | ||
Pardosa agricola | (Thorell, 1856) | 1941, Mohelno | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Pardosa alacris | (C. L. Koch, 1833) | 04/19/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Hořešovice, č. o. Zichovec | 95 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa amentata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1929, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Říčany (okr. Praha-vých.), č. o. Říčany | 331 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa bifasciata | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno III | 53 | Endangered | |||
Pardosa ferruginea | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Železná Ruda, č. o. Špičák | 5 | Strongly endangered | |||
Pardosa hortensis | (Thorell, 1872) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 58 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa hyperborea | (Thorell, 1872) | 07/15/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 5 | Strongly endangered | |||
Pardosa lugubris | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 350 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa maisa | Hippa & Mannila, 1982 | 08/12/1969, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Valtice | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Pardosa monticola | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 60 | Almost threatened | |||
Pardosa morosa | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Davle | 16 | Strongly endangered | |||
Pardosa nebulosa | (Thorell, 1872) | 05/13/2010, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Hodonín | 2 | E | Criticaly endangered | ||
Pardosa nigriceps | (Thorell, 1856) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 32 | Endangered | |||
Pardosa paludicola | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 64 | Endangered | |||
Pardosa palustris | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 220 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa prativaga | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 157 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa pullata | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 289 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa riparia | (C. L. Koch, 1833) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 117 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa saltans | Töpfer-Hofmann, 2000 | 05/26/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Srbsko | 41 | Not endangered | |||
Pardosa saltuaria | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1875, C. Fickert, Špindlerův Mlýn | 4 | Endangered | |||
Pardosa sordidata | (Thorell, 1875) | 08/06/1967, Jaroslav Martínek, Volary | 25 | Strongly endangered | |||
Pardosa sphagnicola | (Dahl, 1908) | 07/31/1946, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 36 | Endangered | |||
Pardosa tenuipes | L. Koch, 1882 | 02/10/2022, Dolní Benešov | 1 | ||||
Pardosa wagleri | (Hahn, 1822) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Davle | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Pirata (3x) | Pirata piraticus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 149 | Not endangered | ||
Pirata piscatorius | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 76 | Endangered | |||
Pirata tenuitarsis | Simon, 1876 | 06/15/1929, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Velké Meziříčí, č. o. Baliny | 44 | Almost threatened | |||
Piratula (4x) | Piratula hygrophila | (Thorell, 1872) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zbečno | 268 | Not endangered | ||
Piratula knorri | (Scopoli, 1763) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 42 | Endangered | |||
Piratula latitans | (Blackwall, 1841) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 162 | Not endangered | |||
Piratula uliginosa | (Thorell, 1856) | 07/31/1946, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 74 | Endangered | |||
Trochosa (4x) | Trochosa robusta | (Simon, 1876) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 62 | Almost threatened | ||
Trochosa ruricola | (De Geer, 1778) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 190 | Not endangered | |||
Trochosa spinipalpis | (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895) | 1929, Dr. Jan Obenberger, Písek (okr. Písek), č. o. Nový Dvůr | 118 | Almost threatened | |||
Trochosa terricola | Thorell, 1856 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 332 | Not endangered | |||
Xerolycosa (2x) | Xerolycosa miniata | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 88 | Not endangered | ||
Xerolycosa nemoralis | (Westring, 1861) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 255 | Not endangered | |||
Family Mimetidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Ero (4x) | Ero aphana | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno III | 47 | Almost threatened | ||
Ero cambridgei | Kulczyński, 1911 | 07/29/1973, RNDr. Petr Bílek, CSc., Krásná Hora nad Vltavou, č. o. Krašovice | 18 | Not endangered | |||
Ero furcata | (Villers, 1789) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 148 | Not endangered | |||
Ero tuberculata | (De Geer, 1778) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 17 | Strongly endangered | |||
Family Miturgidae (8x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Zora (8x) | Zora armillata | Simon, 1878 | 05/22/2003, Dolní Dunajovice | 3 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Zora distincta | Kulczyński, 1915 | 1952, F. Miller (Růžička & Buchar 2008) | Missing | ||||
Zora manicata | Simon, 1878 | 07/03/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 22 | Endangered | |||
Zora nemoralis | (Blackwall, 1861) | 1929, prof. Dr. Jaroslav Štorkán, Křivoklát | 90 | Not endangered | |||
Zora parallela | Simon, 1878 | 05/13/2010, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Hodonín | 3 | Strongly endangered | |||
Zora pardalis | Simon, 1878 | 08/20/1956, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Domašov, č. o. Říčky | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Zora silvestris | Kulczyński, 1897 | 1931, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Rakovník, č. o. Rakovník I | 87 | Not endangered | |||
Zora spinimana | (Sundevall, 1833) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 308 | Not endangered | |||
Family Mysmenidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Microdipoena | Microdipoena jobi | (Kraus, 1967) | 07/02/1973, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Slapy | 6 | Strongly endangered | ||
Trogloneta | Trogloneta granulum | Simon, 1922 | 10/04/1986, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Stachy, č. o. Popelná | 10 | Endangered | ||
Family Nesticidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Howaia | Howaia mogera | (Yaginuma, 1972) | 11/11/2016, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Olomouc | 2 | I-B-N | ||
Nesticus | Nesticus cellulanus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Tisá | 93 | Not endangered | ||
Family Ochyroceratidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Theotima | Theotima minutissima | (Petrunkevitch, 1929) | I-B-N | ||||
Family Oonopidae (5x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Ischnothyreus | Ischnothyreus velox | Jackson, 1908 | 2022, Ondřej Vaněk (Vaněk 2023) | ||||
Cortestina | Cortestina thaleri | Knoflach, 2009 | 10/08/2022, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Plzeň | 1 | I-B-E | ||
Heteroonops | Heteroonops spinimanus | (Simon, 1892) | I-B-N | ||||
Tapinesthis | Tapinesthis inermis | (Simon, 1882) | 10/29/1973, Jiří Šmaha, Mladá Boleslav, č. o. Čejetice | 3 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Triaeris | Triaeris stenaspis | Simon, 1892 | 08/13/2017, Ing. Vladimír Hula, Ph.D., Praha | 2 | I-B-N | ||
Family Oxyopidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Oxyopes | Oxyopes ramosus | (Martini & Goeze, 1778) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 50 | Almost threatened | ||
Family Philodromidae (25x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Philodromus (14x) | Philodromus albidus | Kulczyński, 1911 | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lišany | 76 | Not endangered | ||
Philodromus aureolus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 132 | Not endangered | |||
Philodromus buchari | Kubcová, 2004 | 06/02/2002, Valtice | 8 | Almost threatened | |||
Philodromus buxi | Simon, 1884 | 05/06/2023, MUDr. Kryštof Rückl, Mělník | 2 | E | |||
Philodromus cespitum | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 125 | Not endangered | |||
Philodromus collinus | C. L. Koch, 1835 | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Strážný | 151 | Not endangered | |||
Philodromus dispar | Walckenaer, 1826 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 93 | Not endangered | |||
Philodromus emarginatus | (Schrank, 1803) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 31 | Almost threatened | |||
Philodromus fuscomarginatus | (De Geer, 1778) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 34 | Endangered | |||
Philodromus margaritatus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 40 | Endangered | |||
Philodromus marmoratus | Kulczyński, 1891 | 11/02/2007, Ostrožská Nová Ves | 2 | Strongly endangered | |||
Philodromus poecilus | (Thorell, 1872) | 05/30/1976, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno II | 4 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Philodromus praedatus | O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871 | 05/24/1958, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Branná | 20 | Almost threatened | |||
Philodromus rufus | Walckenaer, 1826 | 1979, Dejvice | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Rhysodromus | Rhysodromus histrio | (Latreille, 1819) | 08/15/2014, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Božice | 6 | Strongly endangered | ||
Thanatus (7x) | Thanatus arenarius | L. Koch, 1872 | 1937, Vladimír Šilhavý, Mohelno | 24 | Endangered | ||
Thanatus atratus | Simon, 1875 | 1898, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 16 | Endangered | |||
Thanatus formicinus | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 71 | Almost threatened | |||
Thanatus pictus | L. Koch, 1881 | 09/09/1976, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Havraníky | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Thanatus sabulosus | (Menge, 1875) | 1970, Sýkořice | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Thanatus striatus | C. L. Koch, 1845 | 1936, Vladimír Šilhavý, Brno, č. o. Brno II | 51 | Almost threatened | |||
Thanatus vulgaris | Simon, 1870 | 2011, O. Zimmermann (viz Pavouk 2011 (č. 31)) | I-B-N | Not endangered | |||
Tibellus (3x) | Tibellus macellus | Simon, 1875 | 04/15/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Tibellus maritimus | (Menge, 1875) | 1941, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lišany | 20 | Endangered | |||
Tibellus oblongus | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 160 | Not endangered | |||
Family Pholcidae (7x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Holocnemus | Holocnemus pluchei | (Scopoli, 1763) | 01/26/2014, Radek Šich, Brno | 8 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Modisimus | Modisimus culicinus | (Simon, 1893) | 01/02/2016, Praha | 1 | I-B-N | Not endangered | |
Pholcus (3x) | Pholcus alticeps | Spassky, 1932 | 08/28/2014, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Chomutov | 6 | I-B-E | ||
Pholcus opilionoides | (Schrank, 1781) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 109 | Not endangered | |||
Pholcus phalangioides | (Fuesslin, 1775) | 08/01/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Semily | 87 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Physocyclus | Physocyclus globosus | (Taczanowski, 1874) | I-B-N | ||||
Psilochorus | Psilochorus simoni | (Berland, 1911) | 04/11/2022, MUDr. Kryštof Rückl, Praha | 2 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Family Phrurolithidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Phrurolithus (4x) | Phrurolithus festivus | (C. L. Koch, 1835) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 226 | Not endangered | ||
Phrurolithus minimus | C. L. Koch, 1839 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Karlovy Vary | 29 | Endangered | |||
Phrurolithus pullatus | Kulczyński, 1897 | 05/20/1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 21 | Endangered | |||
Phrurolithus szilyi | Herman, 1879 | 1983, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 2 | Missing | |||
Family Pisauridae (3x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Dolomedes (2x) | Dolomedes fimbriatus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 66 | Endangered | ||
Dolomedes plantarius | (Clerck, 1757) | 08/30/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Doksy (okr. Č. Lípa), č. o. Břehyně | 18 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Pisaura | Pisaura mirabilis | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 6 | 286 | Not endangered | ||
Family Salticidae (73x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Aelurillus | Aelurillus v-insignitus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 153 | Not endangered | ||
Afraflacilla | Afraflacilla epiblemoides | (Chyzer, 1891) | 08/03/2000, Luděk Jindřich Dobroruka, Lednice | 2 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Asianellus | Asianellus festivus | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 61 | Almost threatened | ||
Attulus (11x) | Attulus atricapillus | (Simon, 1882) | 07/14/2007, Světlá pod Ještědem | 1 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Attulus caricis | (Westring, 1861) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 33 | Endangered | |||
Attulus distinguendus | (Simon, 1868) | 09/07/1956, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Doubravník | 12 | Strongly endangered | |||
Attulus dzieduszyckii | (L. Koch, 1870) | 06/08/1935, Brno, č. o. Brno III | 8 | Strongly endangered | |||
Attulus floricola | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 69 | Almost threatened | |||
Attulus penicillatus | (Simon, 1875) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 21 | Strongly endangered | |||
Attulus pubescens | (Fabricius, 1775) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 90 | Not endangered | |||
Attulus rupicola | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 6 | Almost threatened | |||
Attulus saltator | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1868) | 05/15/1930, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno II | 15 | Endangered | |||
Attulus terebratus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 8 | Endangered | |||
Attulus zimmermanni | (Simon, 1877) | 05/25/1961, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Tišice, č. o. Kozly | 3 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Ballus | Ballus chalybeius | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 130 | Not endangered | ||
Carrhotus | Carrhotus xanthogramma | (Latreille, 1819) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Hořovice | 37 | Endangered | ||
Chalcoscirtus | Chalcoscirtus brevicymbialis | Wunderlich, 1980 | 05/18/1920, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 10 | Endangered | ||
Dendryphantes (2x) | Dendryphantes hastatus | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 25 | Almost threatened | ||
Dendryphantes rudis | (Sundevall, 1833) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 74 | Not endangered | |||
Euophrys | Euophrys frontalis | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 160 | Not endangered | ||
Evarcha (4x) | Evarcha arcuata | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 272 | Not endangered | ||
Evarcha falcata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 207 | Not endangered | |||
Evarcha laetabunda | (C. L. Koch, 1846) | 1931, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 40 | Endangered | |||
Evarcha michailovi | Logunov, 1992 | ||||||
Hasarius | Hasarius adansoni | (Audouin, 1826) | 1971, Praha, č. o. Praha 2 | 4 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Heliophanus (9x) | Heliophanus aeneus | (Hahn, 1832) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 44 | Almost threatened | ||
Heliophanus auratus | C. L. Koch, 1835 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno IV | 39 | Almost threatened | |||
Heliophanus cupreus | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 167 | Not endangered | |||
Heliophanus dampfi | Schenkel, 1923 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 24 | Endangered | |||
Heliophanus dubius | C. L. Koch, 1835 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 43 | Not endangered | |||
Heliophanus flavipes | (Hahn, 1832) | 04/03/1930, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 101 | Not endangered | |||
Heliophanus lineiventris | Simon, 1868 | 1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 4 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Heliophanus patagiatus | Thorell, 1875 | 06/22/2014, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Raškovice | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Heliophanus simplex | Simon, 1868 | 2013, A. Jelínek (viz Pavouk 2014 (č. 36)) | E | Criticaly endangered | |||
Leptorchestes | Leptorchestes berolinensis | (C. L. Koch, 1846) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno IV | 15 | Endangered | ||
Macaroeris | Macaroeris nidicolens | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 06/20/1961, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 32 | Not endangered | ||
Marpissa (4x) | Marpissa muscosa | (Clerck, 1757) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 40 | Almost threatened | ||
Marpissa nivoyi | (Lucas, 1846) | 10/15/1945, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 22 | Endangered | |||
Marpissa pomatia | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 09/15/1932, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Velký Osek | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Marpissa radiata | (Grube, 1859) | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 25 | Endangered | |||
Mendoza | Mendoza canestrinii | (Ninni, 1868) | 06/08/1993, Josef Chytil, Horní Věstonice | 4 | Strongly endangered | ||
Myrmarachne | Myrmarachne formicaria | (De Geer, 1778) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 23 | Endangered | ||
Neon (4x) | Neon levis | (Simon, 1871) | 07/14/1985, Jiří Šmaha, Skryje | 4 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Neon rayi | (Simon, 1875) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 12 | Strongly endangered | |||
Neon reticulatus | (Blackwall, 1853) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Hořovice | 126 | Not endangered | |||
Neon valentulus | Falconer, 1912 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Borkovice, č. o. Mažice | 24 | Endangered | |||
Pellenes (2x) | Pellenes nigrociliatus | (Simon, 1875) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 21 | Endangered | ||
Pellenes tripunctatus | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 48 | Almost threatened | |||
Philaeus | Philaeus chrysops | (Poda, 1761) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Hořovice | 33 | Endangered | ||
Phlegra (3x) | Phlegra bresnieri | (Lucas, 1846) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 1 | Missing | ||
Phlegra cinereofasciata | (Simon, 1868) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 4 | Strongly endangered | |||
Phlegra fasciata | (Hahn, 1826) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 122 | Not endangered | |||
Pseudeuophrys (3x) | Pseudeuophrys erratica | (Walckenaer, 1826) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 49 | Not endangered | ||
Pseudeuophrys lanigera | (Simon, 1871) | 1976, Pardubice, č. o. Pardubice-Staré Město | 12 | Not endangered | |||
Pseudeuophrys obsoleta | (Simon, 1868) | 06/15/1929, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 13 | Endangered | |||
Pseudicius | Pseudicius encarpatus | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 08/23/1936, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 32 | Almost threatened | ||
Salticus (3x) | Salticus cingulatus | (Panzer, 1797) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 32 | Almost threatened | ||
Salticus scenicus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 126 | Not endangered | |||
Salticus zebraneus | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Peruc | 104 | Not endangered | |||
Sibianor (3x) | Sibianor aurocinctus | (Ohlert, 1865) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 79 | Almost threatened | ||
Sibianor larae | Logunov, 2001 | 08/19/2014, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Výsluní | 4 | ||||
Sibianor tantulus | (Simon, 1868) | 06/03/2015, Ing. Tomáš Hamřík, Říčany u Brna | 2 | ||||
Sittisax | Sittisax saxicola | (C. L. Koch, 1846) | 1892, Antonín Nosek, Harrachov, č. o. Nový Svět | 20 | Endangered | ||
Synageles (3x) | Synageles hilarulus | (C. L. Koch, 1846) | 05/06/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 7 | Strongly endangered | ||
Synageles subcingulatus | (Simon, 1878) | 07/27/1993, Mgr. Jaroslav Svatoň, Strání, č. o. Květná | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Synageles venator | (Lucas, 1836) | 1940, Mohelno | 87 | Not endangered | |||
Talavera (6x) | Talavera aequipes | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 64 | Not endangered | ||
Talavera aperta | (Miller, 1971) | 05/26/1975, Ostrava, č. o. Ostrava 1 | 14 | Almost threatened | |||
Talavera milleri | (Brignoli, 1983) | 05/29/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Louny, č. o. Raná | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Talavera parvistyla | Logunov & Kronestedt, 2003 | 09/15/1983, RNDr. Antonín Kůrka, Borová Lada | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Talavera petrensis | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1930, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 43 | Endangered | |||
Talavera thorelli | (Kulczyński, 1891) | 08/09/1995, Mgr. Iveta Chvátalová, Ph.D., Malá Morávka, č. o. Karlov pod Pradědem | 4 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Yllenus | Yllenus arenarius | Simon, 1868 | 2010, A. Pokorný & R. Macek (viz Pavouk 2012 (č. 32)) | Criticaly endangered | |||
Family Scytodidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Scytodes | Scytodes thoracica | (Latreille, 1802) | 05/20/1969, Vladimír Bukva, Břeclav | 19 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Family Segestriidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Segestria (2x) | Segestria bavarica | C. L. Koch, 1843 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Roztoky | 10 | Endangered | ||
Segestria senoculata | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 171 | Not endangered | |||
Family Sicariidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Loxosceles | Loxosceles rufescens | (Dufour, 1820) | |||||
Family Sparassidae (2x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Heteropoda | Heteropoda venatoria | (Linné, 1767) | |||||
Micrommata | Micrommata virescens | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 158 | Not endangered | ||
Family Tetragnathidae (15x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Meta | Meta menardi | (Latreille, 1804) | 1929, Dubá, č. o. Korce | 66 | Not endangered | ||
Metellina (3x) | Metellina mengei | (Blackwall, 1869) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 165 | Not endangered | ||
Metellina merianae | (Scopoli, 1763) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Děčín, č. o. Děčín I | 126 | Not endangered | |||
Metellina segmentata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 223 | Not endangered | |||
Pachygnatha (3x) | Pachygnatha clercki | Sundevall, 1823 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 183 | Not endangered | ||
Pachygnatha degeeri | Sundevall, 1830 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 238 | Not endangered | |||
Pachygnatha listeri | Sundevall, 1830 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 222 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha (8x) | Tetragnatha dearmata | Thorell, 1873 | 1898, Antonín Nosek, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 40 | Almost threatened | ||
Tetragnatha extensa | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 154 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha montana | Simon, 1874 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 133 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha nigrita | Lendl, 1886 | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 54 | Almost threatened | |||
Tetragnatha obtusa | C. L. Koch, 1837 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 75 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha pinicola | L. Koch, 1870 | 1875, Pec pod Sněžkou | 209 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha shoshone | Levi, 1981 | 07/16/1996, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Sedlec (okr. Břeclav) | 5 | Not endangered | |||
Tetragnatha striata | L. Koch, 1862 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 13 | Strongly endangered | |||
Family Theridiidae (74x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Achaeridion | Achaeridion conigerum | (Simon, 1914) | 10/07/1993, RNDr. Antonín Kůrka, Doksy (okr. Č. Lípa), č. o. Břehyně | 7 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Anelosimus | Anelosimus vittatus | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 49 | Not endangered | ||
Asagena (2x) | Asagena meridionalis | Kulczyński, 1894 | 1910, Valtice | 1 | Missing | ||
Asagena phalerata | (Panzer, 1801) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 102 | Not endangered | |||
Carniella | Carniella brignolii | Thaler & Steinberger, 1988 | 08/30/2021, Pavel Krásenský, Hřivice | 1 | |||
Coleosoma | Coleosoma floridanum | Banks, 1900 | 2006, S. Korenko (Šestáková et al. 2013) | I-B-N | Not endangered | ||
Crustulina | Crustulina guttata | (Wider, 1834) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 92 | Not endangered | ||
Cryptachaea | Cryptachaea riparia | (Blackwall, 1834) | 1941, Mohelno | 9 | Not endangered | ||
Dipoena (5x) | Dipoena braccata | (C. L. Koch, 1841) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 7 | Endangered | ||
Dipoena erythropus | (Simon, 1881) | 06/20/1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 7 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Dipoena melanogaster | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1889, Antonín Nosek, Křivoklát | 84 | Not endangered | |||
Dipoena nigroreticulata | (Simon, 1880) | 06/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Dipoena torva | (Thorell, 1875) | 06/15/1967, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Rakovník, č. o. Rakovník I | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Enoplognatha (7x) | Enoplognatha bryjai | Řezáč, 2016 | 07/01/2020, Mgr. Eva Líznarová, Ph.D., Dubňany | 2 | |||
Enoplognatha caricis | (Fickert, 1876) | 06/21/1995, Dubá | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Enoplognatha latimana | Hippa & Oksala, 1982 | 07/01/1973, RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc., Huntířov | 45 | Not endangered | |||
Enoplognatha mordax | (Thorell, 1875) | 06/09/1973, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Třebechovice pod Orebem | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Enoplognatha ovata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 252 | Not endangered | |||
Enoplognatha serratosignata | (L. Koch, 1879) | 04/15/1999, Pavel Bezděčka, Bzenec | 1 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Enoplognatha thoracica | (Hahn, 1833) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Roztoky | 115 | Not endangered | |||
Episinus (3x) | Episinus angulatus | (Blackwall, 1836) | 08/15/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 85 | Not endangered | ||
Episinus maculipes | Cavanna, 1876 | 07/01/2021, Ing. Tomáš Krejčí, Ph.D., Podmolí | 1 | ||||
Episinus truncatus | Latreille, 1809 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 44 | Almost threatened | |||
Euryopis (5x) | Euryopis episinoides | (Walckenaer, 1847) | 06/15/1941, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 1 | Missing | ||
Euryopis flavomaculata | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 135 | Not endangered | |||
Euryopis laeta | (Westring, 1861) | 04/10/1963, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 9 | Strongly endangered | |||
Euryopis quinqueguttata | Thorell, 1875 | 1940, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mohelno | 14 | Strongly endangered | |||
Euryopis saukea | Levi, 1951 | 04/20/1963, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 4 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Heterotheridion | Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum | (Simon, 1873) | 1894, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 27 | Endangered | ||
Kochiura | Kochiura aulica | (C. L. Koch, 1838) | 06/05/1959, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Lednice | 1 | Missing | ||
Lasaeola (3x) | Lasaeola coracina | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 9 | Strongly endangered | ||
Lasaeola prona | (Menge, 1868) | 1938, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Lasaeola tristis | (Hahn, 1833) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 41 | Almost threatened | |||
Neottiura (2x) | Neottiura bimaculata | (Linnaeus, 1767) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 247 | Not endangered | ||
Neottiura suaveolens | (Simon, 1880) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 28 | Endangered | |||
Nesticodes | Nesticodes rufipes | (Lucas, 1846) | 1995, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Praha, č. o. Praha 2 | 1 | I-B-N | ||
Ohlertidion | Ohlertidion ohlerti | (Thorell, 1870) | 06/02/1960, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kvilda | 7 | Strongly endangered | ||
Paidiscura | Paidiscura pallens | (Blackwall, 1834) | 06/23/1971, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou | 78 | Not endangered | ||
Parasteatoda (4x) | Parasteatoda lunata | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 127 | Not endangered | ||
Parasteatoda simulans | (Thorell, 1875) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Mladá Boleslav, č. o. Mladá Boleslav I | 99 | Not endangered | |||
Parasteatoda tabulata | (Levi, 1980) | 06/04/2015, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Přerov | 7 | Not endangered | |||
Parasteatoda tepidariorum | (C. L. Koch, 1841) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 43 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Pholcomma | Pholcomma gibbum | (Westring, 1851) | 1933, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Phycosoma | Phycosoma inornatum | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) | 05/29/1993, Doksy (okr. Č. Lípa), č. o. Břehyně | 6 | Criticaly endangered | ||
Phylloneta (2x) | Phylloneta impressa | (L. Koch, 1881) | 1886, Antonín Nosek, Strážný | 193 | Not endangered | ||
Phylloneta sisyphia | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 134 | Not endangered | |||
Platnickina | Platnickina tincta | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 151 | Not endangered | ||
Robertus (6x) | Robertus arundineti | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 147 | Not endangered | ||
Robertus lividus | (Blackwall, 1836) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 245 | Not endangered | |||
Robertus neglectus | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 08/15/1934, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Hatín, č. o. Roseč | 36 | Not endangered | |||
Robertus scoticus | Jackson, 1914 | 07/15/1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 36 | Almost threatened | |||
Robertus truncorum | (L. Koch, 1872) | 1875, C. Fickert, Pec pod Sněžkou | 19 | Almost threatened | |||
Robertus ungulatus | Vogelsanger, 1944 | 05/17/1964, Jaroslav Martínek, Veselí nad Lužnicí, č. o. Vlkov | 1 | Missing | |||
Rugathodes (2x) | Rugathodes bellicosus | (Simon, 1873) | 1929, E. Nielsen, Pec pod Sněžkou | 49 | Not endangered | ||
Rugathodes instabilis | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 06/27/1972, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 30 | Endangered | |||
Sardinidion | Sardinidion blackwalli | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) | 08/20/1959, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň I | 14 | Not endangered | ||
Simitidion | Simitidion simile | (C. L. Koch, 1836) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 21 | Endangered | ||
Steatoda (5x) | Steatoda albomaculata | (De Geer, 1778) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 44 | Almost threatened | ||
Steatoda bipunctata | (Linnaeus, 1758) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 120 | Not endangered | |||
Steatoda castanea | (Clerck, 1757) | 1933, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Luže, č. o. Bělá | 26 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Steatoda grossa | (C. L. Koch, 1838) | 1930, Praha, č. o. Praha 2 | 28 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Steatoda triangulosa | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 04/15/1973, Vladimír Bukva, Praha, č. o. Praha 2 | 31 | I-B-E | Not endangered | ||
Theonoe | Theonoe minutissima | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 20 | Almost threatened | ||
Theridion (11x) | Theridion betteni | Wiehle, 1960 | 05/29/1962, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Louny, č. o. Raná | 46 | Almost threatened | ||
Theridion boesenbergi | Strand, 1904 | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Theridion cinereum | Thorell, 1875 | 2014, J. Dolanský (viz Pavouk 2014 (č. 37)) | E | Not endangered | |||
Theridion hannoniae | Denis, 1945 | 05/29/2021, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Vrskmaň | 3 | E | |||
Theridion hemerobium | Simon, 1914 | 06/25/1991, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Krňany, č. o. Teletín | 26 | Not endangered | |||
Theridion melanurum | Hahn, 1831 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 29 | Not endangered | |||
Theridion mystaceum | L. Koch, 1870 | 08/12/1959, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Třeboň II | 62 | Not endangered | |||
Theridion pictum | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 35 | Almost threatened | |||
Theridion pinastri | L. Koch, 1872 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Opolany, č. o. Oškobrh | 73 | Not endangered | |||
Theridion uhligi | Martin, 1974 | ||||||
Theridion varians | Hahn, 1833 | 1929, RNDr. Jiří Baum, Říčany (okr. Praha-vých.), č. o. Říčany | 164 | Not endangered | |||
Family Theridiosomatidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Theridiosoma | Theridiosoma gemmosum | (L. Koch, 1877) | 06/01/1996, Michal Holec, Třeboň, č. o. Stará Hlína | 25 | Almost threatened | ||
Family Thomisidae (42x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Bassaniodes | Bassaniodes robustus | (Hahn, 1832) | 1869, Antonín Nosek, Lužná (okr. Rakovník) | 38 | Endangered | ||
Coriarachne | Coriarachne depressa | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 56 | Almost threatened | ||
Cozyptila | Cozyptila blackwalli | (Simon, 1875) | 1934, Pouzdřany | 11 | Endangered | ||
Diaea (2x) | Diaea dorsata | (Fabricius, 1777) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 198 | Not endangered | ||
Diaea livens | Simon, 1876 | 06/10/1961, Jaroslav Martínek, Třeboň, č. o. Branná | 13 | Strongly endangered | |||
Ebrechtella | Ebrechtella tricuspidata | (Fabricius, 1775) | 05/17/1936, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 76 | Not endangered | ||
Heriaeus (2x) | Heriaeus graminicola | (Doleschall, 1852) | 06/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 8 | Almost threatened | ||
Heriaeus oblongus | Simon, 1918 | 1894, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 7 | Strongly endangered | |||
Misumena | Misumena vatia | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 212 | Not endangered | ||
Ozyptila (9x) | Ozyptila atomaria | (Panzer, 1801) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 103 | Not endangered | ||
Ozyptila brevipes | (Hahn, 1826) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 11 | Strongly endangered | |||
Ozyptila claveata | (Walckenaer, 1837) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 80 | Almost threatened | |||
Ozyptila praticola | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 110 | Not endangered | |||
Ozyptila pullata | (Thorell, 1875) | 05/03/1930, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno III | 17 | Endangered | |||
Ozyptila rauda | Simon, 1875 | 05/09/1930, Brno, č. o. Brno III | 8 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Ozyptila scabricula | (Westring, 1851) | 1940, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Mohelno | 46 | Endangered | |||
Ozyptila simplex | (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862) | 06/04/1968, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Žehuň, č. o. Choťovice | 22 | Almost threatened | |||
Ozyptila trux | (Blackwall, 1846) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 166 | Not endangered | |||
Pistius | Pistius truncatus | (Pallas, 1772) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 53 | Almost threatened | ||
Psammitis (2x) | Psammitis ninnii | (Thorell, 1872) | 1937, Mohelno | 20 | Strongly endangered | ||
Psammitis sabulosus | (Hahn, 1832) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 14 | Endangered | |||
Spiracme | Spiracme striatipes | (L. Koch, 1870) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 37 | Endangered | ||
Synema | Synema globosum | (Fabricius, 1775) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 71 | Almost threatened | ||
Thomisus | Thomisus onustus | Walckenaer, 1805 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 27 | Endangered | ||
Tmarus (2x) | Tmarus piger | (Walckenaer, 1802) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 4 | 44 | Endangered | ||
Tmarus stellio | Simon, 1875 | 06/30/1997, Jiří Schlaghamerský, Lanžhot | 8 | Strongly endangered | |||
Xysticus (16x) | Xysticus acerbus | Thorell, 1872 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 28 | Not endangered | ||
Xysticus audax | (Schrank, 1803) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 167 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus bifasciatus | C. L. Koch, 1837 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 180 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus cristatus | (Clerck, 1757) | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 268 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus erraticus | (Blackwall, 1834) | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 86 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus ferrugineus | Menge, 1876 | 03/31/1936, Vladimír Šilhavý, Mohelno | 5 | Strongly endangered | |||
Xysticus gallicus | Simon, 1875 | 1949, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Zlaté Hory (okr. Bruntál), č. o. Rejvíz | 5 | Strongly endangered | |||
Xysticus kempeleni | Thorell, 1872 | 05/20/1958, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pavlov (okr. Břeclav) | 4 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Xysticus kochi | Thorell, 1872 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Brno, č. o. Brno I | 167 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus lanio | C. L. Koch, 1835 | 1859, František Prach, Praha, č. o. Praha 1 | 89 | Almost threatened | |||
Xysticus lineatus | (Westring, 1851) | 06/01/1957, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Lednice | 5 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Xysticus luctator | L. Koch, 1870 | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 48 | Endangered | |||
Xysticus luctuosus | (Blackwall, 1836) | 11/23/1873, A. Palliardi, Františkovy Lázně | 50 | Not endangered | |||
Xysticus marmoratus | Thorell, 1875 | 05/20/1935, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno II | 6 | Strongly endangered | |||
Xysticus obscurus | Collett, 1877 | 06/10/1963, prof. RNDr. Jan Buchar, DrSc., Špindlerův Mlýn | 2 | Criticaly endangered | |||
Xysticus ulmi | (Hahn, 1831) | 06/14/1938, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Pouzdřany | 150 | Not endangered | |||
Family Titanoecidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Titanoeca (4x) | Titanoeca quadriguttata | (Hahn, 1833) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Teplice | 107 | Not endangered | ||
Titanoeca schineri | L. Koch, 1872 | 1894, Antonín Nosek, Střelice (okr. Brno-venkov) | 22 | Almost threatened | |||
Titanoeca spominima | (Taczanowski, 1866) | 06/04/1996, Mgr. Jaroslav Svatoň, Bzenec | 2 | ||||
Titanoeca tristis | L. Koch, 1872 | 05/15/1932, prof. RNDr. Josef Kratochvíl, DrSc., Mikulov (okr. Břeclav), č. o. Mikulov | 1 | Missing | |||
Family Trachelidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Cetonana | Cetonana laticeps | (Canestrini, 1868) | 05/07/1932, prof. RNDr. František Miller, DrSc., Brno, č. o. Brno II | 9 | Strongly endangered | ||
Family Uloboridae (3x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Hyptiotes | Hyptiotes paradoxus | (C. L. Koch, 1834) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Děčín, č. o. Děčín I | 54 | Not endangered | ||
Uloborus (2x) | Uloborus plumipes | Lucas, 1846 | 12/09/2000, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Praha, č. o. Praha 3 | 11 | I-B-E | Not endangered | |
Uloborus walckenaerius | Latreille, 1806 | 05/25/1983, Karel Absolon, Lednice | 4 | Strongly endangered | |||
Family Zodariidae (4x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Zodarion (4x) | Zodarion germanicum | (C. L. Koch, 1837) | 1866, Emanuel Bárta, Rovensko pod Troskami | 75 | Not endangered | ||
Zodarion italicum | (Canestrini, 1868) | 05/29/2000, RNDr. Milan Řezáč, Ph.D., Praha, č. o. Praha 5 | 7 | I-N-N | Not endangered | ||
Zodarion ohridense | Wunderlich, 1973 | 06/30/2015, Nová Ves I | 1 | I-N-N | |||
Zodarion rubidum | Simon, 1914 | 05/15/1972, doc. MUDr. Pavel Kasal, CSc., Nový Vestec, č. o. Káraný | 47 | I-N-N | Not endangered | ||
Family Zoropsidae (1x) | |||||||
Genus | Species | Description | First record | Squares | Původnost | Threat level | |
Zoropsis | Zoropsis spinimana | (Dufour, 1820) | 05/29/2019, Marek Prudek, Brno | 10 | Not endangered |