Nálezy podle období  
Gnaphosidae 0-19001901-19501951-20002001+
Callilepis nocturna Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Ohrožený 40× 25× 65×
Callilepis schuszteri Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) Ohrožený 101× 40× 145×


A total of 99 spider species from 23 families and two harvestmen species were found during the zoological survey at several sites in Podyjí National Park during 2020. Of them, thirty species are listed in the Red List of Spiders of the Czech Republic. Four new species for Podyjí NP were recorded – Canariphantes nanus (Kulczyński, 1898), Micaria dives (Lucas, 1846), Erigonoplus jarmilae (Miller, 1943) and Ipa keyserlingi (Ausserer, 1867). Other rare species include Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873), Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868, Arctosa figurata (Simon, 1876), Attulus saltator (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1868), Berlandina cinerea (Menge, 1872), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Drassyllus villicus (Thorell, 1875), Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861), Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846, Evarcha laetabunda (C. L. Koch, 1846), Gnaphosa bicolor (Hahn, 1833), Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866), Lasaeola coracina (C. L. Koch, 1837), Minicia marginella (Wider, 1834), Pardosa bifasciata (C. L. Koch, 1834), Phrurolithus pullatus Kulczyński, 1897, Psammitis ninnii (Thorell, 1872), Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868), Simitidion simile (C. L. Koch, 1836), Thanatus arenarius L. Koch, 1872, Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805, Trichopterna cito (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871), Zora manicata Simon, 1878 and the harvestman Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835).

 © Oto Zimmermann
A total of 114 spider species from 25 families and one harvestmen species were found during the zoological research at several sites in the Podyjí National Park during 2019. Of them, forty-one species are listed in the Red List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Four new species for the Podyjí NP were recorded – Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758), Euryopis laeta (Westring, 1861), Phrurolithus minimus C. L. Koch, 1839 and Trichoncus auritus (L. Koch, 1869). Among the most interesting species, four critically endangered spiders – Civizelotes caucasius (L. Koch, 1866), Phrurolithus szilyi Herman, 1879, Gnaphosa modestior Kulczyński, 1897 and Eresus moravicus Řezáč, 2008 should be mentioned. Other rare species include Acartauchenius scurrilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Agyneta fuscipalpa (C. L. Koch, 1836), Arctosa figurata (Simon, 1876), Atypus affinis Eichwald, 1830, Bassaniodes robustus (Hahn, 1832), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Centromerus incilium (L. Koch, 1881), Centromerus leruthi Fage, 1933, Cheiracanthium effossum Herman, 1879, Drassyllus villicus (Thorell, 1875), Euryopis quinqueguttata Thorell, 1875, Frontinellina frutetorum (C. L. Koch, 1835), Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Haplodrassus cognatus (Westring, 1861), Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866), Haplodrassus minor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879), Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum (Simon, 1873), Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866), Leptorchestes berolinensis (C. L. Koch, 1846), Minicia marginella (Wider, 1834), Phrurolithus pullatus Kulczyński, 1897, Trichopterna cito (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Walckenaeria simplex Chyzer, 1894, Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) and Zora manicata Simon, 1878.

 © Oto Zimmermann
A total of 114 spider species from 25 families and one harvestmen species were found during the zoological research at several sites in the Podyjí National Park during 2019. Of them, forty-one species are listed in the Red List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Four new species for the Podyjí NP were recorded – Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758), Euryopis laeta (Westring, 1861), Phrurolithus minimus C. L. Koch, 1839 and Trichoncus auritus (L. Koch, 1869). Among the most interesting species, four critically endangered spiders – Civizelotes caucasius (L. Koch, 1866), Phrurolithus szilyi Herman, 1879, Gnaphosa modestior Kulczyński, 1897 and Eresus moravicus Řezáč, 2008 should be mentioned. Other rare species include Acartauchenius scurrilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Agyneta fuscipalpa (C. L. Koch, 1836), Arctosa figurata (Simon, 1876), Atypus affinis Eichwald, 1830, Bassaniodes robustus (Hahn, 1832), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Centromerus incilium (L. Koch, 1881), Centromerus leruthi Fage, 1933, Cheiracanthium effossum Herman, 1879, Drassyllus villicus (Thorell, 1875), Euryopis quinqueguttata Thorell, 1875, Frontinellina frutetorum (C. L. Koch, 1835), Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Haplodrassus cognatus (Westring, 1861), Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866), Haplodrassus minor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879), Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum (Simon, 1873), Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866), Leptorchestes berolinensis (C. L. Koch, 1846), Minicia marginella (Wider, 1834), Phrurolithus pullatus Kulczyński, 1897, Trichopterna cito (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Walckenaeria simplex Chyzer, 1894, Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) and Zora manicata Simon, 1878.

 © Oto Zimmermann
A total of 151 spider species from 27 families and 4 harvestman species from 2 families were found during the zoological research of several sites in Podyjí National Park during 2018. Seventeen of the species found are listed in the Red List of Spiders of the Czech Republic. The most interesting species are Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873), Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868, Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Clubiona marmorata L. Koch, 1866, Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861), Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884, Haplodrassus minor (O. P.-Cambridge, 1879), Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866), Micaria formicaria (Sundevall, 1831), Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868), Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841), Tmarus piger
(Walckenaer, 1802), Xysticus luctator L. Koch, 1870, Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) and the harvestmen Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835).

 © Oto Zimmermann
A total of 151 spider species from 27 families and 4 harvestman species from 2 families were found during the zoological research of several sites in Podyjí National Park during 2018. Seventeen of the species found are listed in the Red List of Spiders of the Czech Republic. The most interesting species are Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873), Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868, Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Clubiona marmorata L. Koch, 1866, Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861), Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884, Haplodrassus minor (O. P.-Cambridge, 1879), Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866), Micaria formicaria (Sundevall, 1831), Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868), Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841), Tmarus piger
(Walckenaer, 1802), Xysticus luctator L. Koch, 1870, Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) and the harvestmen Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835).

 © Oto Zimmermann

Arachnologický průzkum na Mostecku a Chomutovsku byl doposud soustředěn zejména na Krušné hory (BUCHAR a HAJER 1999, 2005, 2010. ROUŠAR 2011. RŮŽIČKA a HAJER 2002, 2003), jednotlivé sběry z okolí jsou také zahrnuty v katalogu pavouků ČR (BUCHAR a RŮŽIČKA 2002), na Chomutovsku je známo také několik publikovaných sběrů Antonína Roušara (ROUŠAR 2009, 2015, 2016). Přesto údaje o výskytu pavouků z mnoha lokalit scházejí. Proto od 1. do 4. června 2017 uspořádalo Oblastní muzeum v Mostě arachnologické exkurze do nejbližšího okolí Mostu a Chomutova, kterých se zúčastnili členové České arachnologické společnosti. Jako cílové byly zvoleny lokality, na kterých se systematicky pavoukovci dosud nesbírali, ale i lokality, které by vzhledem ke svým přírodním hodnotám mohly být v budoucnu zařazeny mezi zvláště chráněná území. Tento článek předkládá seznam všech druhů pavouků, kteří byli během akce zjištěni.

 © Oto Zimmermann

Heterogeneity of environmental conditions is the crucial factor supporting biodiversity in various habitats, including post-mining sites. The effects of micro-topographic heterogeneity on biodiversity and conservation potential of arthropod communities in post-industrial habitats had not been studied before now. At one of the largest European brown coal spoil heaps, we sampled eight groups of terrestrial arthropods with different life strategies (moths, spiders, ground beetles, ants, orthopteroids, centipedes, millipedes, and woodlice), in successionally young plots (5–18 y), with a heterogeneous wavy surface after heaping, and compared the communities with plots flattened by dozing. A combination of the standardized quantitative sampling, using two different methods, and a paired design of the plot selection enabled a robust analysis. Altogether, we recorded 380 species of the focal arthropods, 15 of them nationally threatened. We revealed the importance of the microtopographic heterogeneity for the formation of the biodiversity of arthropods in their secondary refuges. The communities with higher biodiversity and conservation value were detected in the plots with heterogeneous surfaces; exceptions were ground beetles and millipedes. The surface flattening, often the first step of technical reclamation projects, thus suppress biodiversity of most terrestrial arthropods during the restoration of post-mining sites. Since the communities of both surface types differed, the proportional presence on both surfaces could be more efficient in supporting the local biodiversity. We suggest reducing the surface dozing for the cases with other concerns only, to achieve a proportional representation of both surface types. Such a combination of different restoration approaches would, thus, efficiently support high biodiversity of groups with various needs.



Dle měsíce v roce

Dle nadmořské výšky

Dle metody sběru (210 použitých nálezů)
Zemní pastSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 28 9 335 34
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 226 44 2 81
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 6 23 0 12
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 23 16 1 40
Individuální sběrSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 4 13 0 15
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 17 11 0 21
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 3 0 3
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 2 2 0 3
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1

Dle biotopu (210 použitých nálezů)
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 29 33 334 43
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 63 35 1 67
Lesostepní doubravySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 140 17 0 27
Kamenité suti nižších polohSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 2 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 32 2 0 15
Suché doubravySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 14 5 0 10
Suché loukySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 6 5 0 9
Stinné skály nižších polohSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 4 3 0 4
Skalní stepi na vápenciSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 2 1 0 3
Okraje silnicSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 3 1 3
Výsadby jehličnanůSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 2 1 2 3
Lesní okrajeSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 0 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 1 1 0 1
Xerotermní travinobylinná společenstvaSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 0 1 0 1
Skalní stepi na jiných hornináchSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 2 0 0 1
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 1 0 0 1
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 2 0 2
Těžebny písku a jiných nezpevněných horninSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 3 0 2
Haldy a výsypkySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 0 1
Vlhké doubravySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 0 1
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 0 1
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 0 0 1
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 0 1 0 1
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 0 1
Výsadby listnáčůSamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 1 0 1
Horské bučinySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 0 0 1
Suché křovinySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 1 0 0 1
Suťové a roklinové lesySamciSamiceMláďataNálezy
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) 0 1 0 1