Records by time  
Dictynidae 0-19001901-19501951-20002001+
Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757) Endangered 63× 47× 120×

Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757)

Czech namevodouch stříbřitý
Threat levelEndangered
Records120 nálezů, 60 kvadrátů
First record 1859, F. Prach, Prach 1866
Last record 2019
Distribution areaPalaearctic - Transp., eM
Phytogeographic area
Mezofytikum. Oblast zonální vegetace a květeny temperátního pásma, tedy oblast opadavých listnatých lesů. Značnou část této oblasti zaujímají dnes pole a louky. Sem je přiřazena i východní část českého Termofytika.
Oreo (Preference: Nízká)
Oreofytikum. Oblast extrazonální horské vegetace a květeny, tedy oblast klimaxových smrčin a vyšších horských poloh. Uměle odlesněné plochy jsou přeměněny na louky a pastviny.
Původnost stanovišť
Klimaxová stanoviště, která jsou minimálně narušena činností člověka: původní horská stanoviště, původní a přirozené lesy, mokřady, rašeliniště, skalní stepi a lesostepi, váté písky, kamenité sutě, skály apod.
Druhotná, polopřirozená stanoviště: kulturní lesy, křoviny, extenzivně využívané, druhově bohaté louky a pastviny, staré lomy apod.
Osvětlení stanovišť
Většinou bez vegetace či s nízkou vegetací, kde osvětlení zasahuje až k půdnímu povrchu: holé skály a sutě, štěrkové lavice, stěny budov, písčiny, skalní stepi, kosené louky, pole, vřesoviště, stanoviště nad horní hranicí lesa, rašeliniště.
Hojnost výskytu
abundant probably


 © Oto Zimmermann
Despite their ecological importance and diversity, spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) are underrepresented in con­servation policies in comparison to other groups. We review all extant conservation tools focusing on spiders in Europe, highlighting general patterns, limitations, gaps, and future directions. We assembled a comprehensive online database reporting all available information concerning the legal protection and conservation status of 4,154 spider species. Existing international legislation has limited coverage, with only one species listed in the Bern Convention and EU Habitats Directive. At the national and subnational levels, 178 species are formally mentioned in the legislation of 19 European  countries. Moreover, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) includes assessments for 301 species worldwide, 164 of these threatened and eight native to Europe. In addition, spiders are mentioned in Regional Red Lists and Red Books in 28 out of 42 European countries considered in this review. Northern and Central European countries have the highest percentage of species assessed at the regional level in Red Lists and Red Books. The Mediterranean basin has the highest spider diversities in Europe but conservation efforts are lacking, both in terms of assessments and national or subna­tional legislation. Among European species, Dolomedes plantarius, Argyroneta aquatica and Eresus kollari are the most frequently mentioned in European conservation measures, possibly due to their ecological traits and their strict association with declining habitats. Considering the current threats to spiders in Europe, the protection of large areas of suitable habitat should be considered as the most effective approach to spider conservation.

 © Oto Zimmermann
The studied locality, i.e. Klánovický les Forest is situated on the edge of Prague, one of the most polluted areas in the Czech Republic. Thanks to large area the forest acts as an isolation from agrochemicals, thus allowing the existence of some habitats sensitive to eutrophisation, in particular peat-bogs, heaths, bare sandy soils, and Molinia meadows. The habitats harbour unusually high species diversity of spiders and harvestmen: the author recorded 286 spider and 11 harvestman species there, which is approximately one third of the Czech fauna. Sixty one of them are red-listed in the Czech Republic. Peat-bog linyphiid Saaristoa abnormis, and steppe lycosid Alopecosa schmidti and linyphiid Panamomops inconspicuus are listed as endangered. Local small peat-bogs offer suitable conditions for disappearing lycosids Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata, Pirata piscatorius and Piratula uliginosa, while heaths harbour the disappearing Oxyopes ramosus. Water spider Argyroneta aquatica has recently been found in small pools in ditches along the railway. Littoral vegetation is inhabited by Theridiosoma gemmosum and the jumping spider Calositticus floricola. Disturbed soil surface of wet meadows harbours the wolf spider Arctosa leopardus. Some species have recently appeared at the site, for example Dysdera hungarica, the harvestman Nemastoma bidentatum sparsum or the crab spider Synema globosum. The first two were probably introduced there by man, the latter probably expands due to climate change. The author suggests to keep these habitats without woody vegetation to protect local high species diversity there.

 © Oto Zimmermann

Spiders produce multiple silks with different physical properties that allow them to occupy a diverse range of ecological niches, including the underwater environment. Despite this functional diversity, past molecular analyses show a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity between C-terminal regions of silk genes that appear to be independent of the physical properties of the resulting silks. Instead, this domain is crucial to the formation of silk fibers. Here, we present an analysis of the C-terminal domain of all known types of spider silk and include silk sequences from the spider Argyroneta aquatica, which spins the majority of its silk underwater. Our work indicates that spiders have retained a highly conserved mechanism of silk assembly, despite the extraordinary diversification of species, silk types and applications of silk over 350 million years. Sequence analysis of the silk C-terminal domain across the entire gene family shows the conservation of two uncommon amino acids that are implicated in the formation of a salt bridge, a functional bond essential to protein assembly. This conservation extends to the novel sequences isolated from Argyroneta aquatica. This finding is relevant to research regarding the artificial synthesis of spider silk, suggesting that synthesis of all silk types will be possible using a single process.



By month

By altitude

By collecting method (120 used records)
Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757) VUMalesFemalesJuvenilesRecords
Individuální sběr37442223
Zemní past161738

By biotope (120 used records)
Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757) VUMalesFemalesJuvenilesRecords
Rákosiny a orobincové porosty stojatých vod2307
Stojaté a pomalu tekoucí vody14810
Rostlinstvo vodní hladiny10123
Ostřicové porosty stojatých vod0201
Zahradnicky utvářené zahrady a parky1102