Původnost druhů

Thermophilic expanding species (E)
History: Absent from the region in the past – new records even from arachnologically well researched sites in the past.
Habitat: Often newly created habitats such as mining areas.
Distribution: Known to occur south of Central Europe, usually absent north of Central Europe.
Species introduced to buildings – expanding (I-B-E)
History: Newly introduced by humans and expanding their range.
Habitat: All kinds of heated buildings, absent in nature.
Distribution: Mainly subtropical regions.
Species introduced to buildings – non-expanding (I-B-N)
History: Newly introduced by humans.
Habitat: Large heated buildings with complex synanthropic habitats, such as large greenhouses with high air humidity and rich prey resources, absent in nature.
Distribution: Mainly tropical regions.
Species introduced to natural habitats – invasive (I-N-I)
History: Introduced by humans and expanding their range.
Habitat: Variety of natural habitats, often disturbed.
Distribution: Native on other continents, often North America.
Species introduced to natural habitats – non-invasive (I-N-N)
History: Newly introduced by humans.
Habitat: Disturbed habitats in nature.
Distribution: Sites of introduction isolated from the continuous distribution area of the species.


GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Family Dicranolasmatidae (1x)
Dicranolasma Dicranolasma scabrum (Herbst, 1799) 05/30/2008, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Vyškovec 1

Family Ischyropsalididae (2x)
GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Ischyropsalis (2x) Ischyropsalis hellwigi (Panzer, 1794) 10/05/1981, Bohumil Mocek, Trusnov 13
Ischyropsalis manicata (L. Koch, 1865) 09/16/2018, Jiří Stanovský, Morávka 2

Family Nemastomatidae (6x)
GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Mitostoma Mitostoma chrysomelas (Hermann, 1804) 07/12/2007, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Horka nad Moravou 9
Nemastoma (3x) Nemastoma bidentatum sparsum (Gruber et Martens, 1968) 07/04/2021, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Klášterec nad Ohří, č. o. Klášterecká Jeseň 1
Nemastoma lugubre (Müller, 1776) 08/18/2000, Bohumil Mocek, Přelouč 39
Nemastoma triste (C. L. Koch, 1835) 08/30/1998, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Jáchymov 3
Paranemastoma (2x) Paranemastoma kochi (Nowicki, 1870) 08/27/2016, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Strání 3
Paranemastoma quadripunctatum (Perty, 1833) 08/18/1981, Bohumil Mocek, Trusnov 36

Family Phalangiidae (17x)
GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Amilenus Amilenus aurantiacus Simon, 1881 2013, Ivo Těťál ()
Egaenus Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835) 06/08/2009, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Žítková 6
Lacinius (3x) Lacinius dentiger (C. L. Koch, 1848) 09/16/2015, Stanislav Rada, Huslenky 35
Lacinius ephippiatus (C. L. Koch, 1835) 06/07/1981, Bohumil Mocek, Trusnov 19
Lacinius horridus (Panzer, 1794) 11/30/2005, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Kadaň 8
Lophopilio Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst, 1799) 10/15/2008, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Horka nad Moravou 4
Mitopus Mitopus morio (Fabricius, 1799) 08/18/1981, Bohumil Mocek, Trusnov 29
Oligolophus Oligolophus tridens (C. L. Koch, 1836) 08/18/1981, Trusnov 46
Opilio (3x) Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876) 11/06/1993, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Chomutov 64
Opilio parietinus (De Geer, 1778) 08/20/2022, Ing. Tomáš Krejčí, Ph.D., Havraníky 1
Opilio saxatilis (C. L. Koch, 1839) 10/14/2006, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Vinaře 14
Phalangium Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758 08/18/2000, Bohumil Mocek, Přelouč 87
Platybunus (3x) Platybunus bucephalus (C. L. Koch, 1835) 08/18/1981, Bohumil Mocek, Trusnov 30
Platybunus pallidus (Šilhavý, 1938)
Platybunus pinetorum (C. L. Koch, 1839)
Rilaena Rilaena triangularis (Herbst, 1799) 06/06/2004, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Horka nad Moravou 71
Zacheus Zacheus crista (Brullé‚ 1832) 06/08/2009, RNDr. et Mgr. Ivan Hadrián Tuf, Ph.D., Žítková 2

Family Sclerosomatidae (10x)
GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Astrobunus Astrobunus laevipes (Canestrini, 1872) 08/25/1996, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Tuchořice, č. o. Lipno 21
Gyas Gyas titanus (Simon, 1879) 08/10/2011, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Lhota u Vsetína 4
Leiobunum (6x) Leiobunum blackwalli (Meade, 1861) 08/20/1996, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Vysoká Pec 2
Leiobunum limbatum L. Koch, 1861 10/25/2005, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Blatno 19
Leiobunum rotundum (Latreille, 1798) 08/22/2008, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Horka nad Moravou 7
Leiobunum rupestre (Herbst, 1799) 09/10/2012, Mgr. Ondřej Machač, Ph.D., Lhota u Vsetína 16
Leiobunum sp. A 10/25/2021, Pavel Bezděčka, Vlkoš 2
Leiobunum tisciae (Avram, 1968)
Nelima (2x) Nelima gothica (Lohmander, 1945) 10/10/1998, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Blatno 1
Nelima semproni (Szalay, 1951) 11/03/1994, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Liběšice u Žatce 20

Family Trogulidae (3x)
GenusSpeciesDescriptionFirst recordSquaresPůvodnostThreat level
Trogulus (3x) Trogulus closanicus Avram, 1971 08/02/2010, Michal Holec, Stadice 2
Trogulus nepaeformis (Scopoli, 1763) 09/23/2002, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Stráž nad Ohří, č. o. Boč 21
Trogulus tricarinatus (Linnaeus, 1767) 11/30/2005, Mgr. Antonín Roušar, Březno u Chomutova 65