Ing. Tomáš Krejčí, Ph.D.
Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868 VU
Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874) VU
Clubiona marmorata L. Koch, 1866 VU
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) VU
Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861) VU
Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839) LC
Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879 VU
Haplodrassus minor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) EN
Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866) EN
Micaria formicaria (Sundevall, 1831) VU
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) VU
Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884 VU
Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841) EN
Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873) VU
Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835)
Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868) VU
Tmarus piger (Walckenaer, 1802) VU
Xysticus luctator L. Koch, 1870 VU
A total of 151 spider species from 27 families and 4 harvestman species from 2 families were found during the zoological research of several sites in Podyjí National Park during 2018. Seventeen of the species found are listed in the Red List of Spiders of the Czech Republic. The most interesting species are Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873), Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868, Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874), Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879), Clubiona marmorata L. Koch, 1866, Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861), Gnaphosa lugubris (C. L. Koch, 1839), Gnaphosa opaca Herman, 1879, Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884, Haplodrassus minor (O. P.-Cambridge, 1879), Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866), Micaria formicaria (Sundevall, 1831), Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868), Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841), Tmarus piger
(Walckenaer, 1802), Xysticus luctator L. Koch, 1870, Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) and the harvestmen Egaenus convexus (C. L. Koch, 1835).
Krejčí T. (2019): Výsledky faunistického průzkumu pavouků a sekáčů na vybraných lokalitách na území NM Podyjí v roce 2018. The results of the faunistic research of spiders and harvestmen of selected sites in Podyjí National Park in 2018. Thayensia (Znojmo) 16: 11–28 (in Czech, English abstract and summary).
