In the framework of the Project „Nature without borders – Natur ohne Grenzen – Příroda bez hranic“ eleven dry grasslands and nine meadows and meadow fallows were examined in the National Park Thayatal. We collected 4951 adult spider specimens belonging to 191 species and 25 families during 16 April and 17 October 2010 by means of pitfall traps. 307 carabid beedles belonging to 48 species are determined so far. 51 spider and 5 carabid species occur in both habitat types, 81 spider and 16 carabid species occur exclusively in dry grasslands, 59 and 27 species respectively occur exclusively in meadows and meadow fallows. With regard to the Red List of the
spiders of the Czech Republic (Buchar, Růžička 2002), 26 species are listed in one of the following categories: CR , EN or VU . Three Red List species were found in both habitat types. Number and proportion of red list spiders were significantly higher in dry grasslands (16
23.5%) than in meadows and meadow fallows (7, 16.9%). With regard to existing species list (Waitzbauer et al. 2010) 25 carabid species, of course mainly open habitat species, are first records for the area of National Park Thayatal.
Markut T., Hepner M. & Milasowszky N. 2012: Spinnen (Araneae) und Laufkäfer (Coleoptera, Carabidae) aus gewählter offenlandflächen im Nationalpark Thayatal –vorläufige Ergebnisse. Pavouci (Araneae) a střevlíci (Coleoptera, Carabidae) vybraných nelesních biotopů národního parku Thayatal – předběžné výsledky. Thayensia (Znojmo) 9: 105–114.