Records by time  
Dysderidae 0-19001901-19501951-20002001+
Dysdera cechica Řezáč, 2018 Not endangered 31× 60× 93×

Dysdera cechica Řezáč, 2018

Czech namešestiočka vidlozubá
Threat levelNot endangered
Records93 nálezů, 31 kvadrátů
Last record 2023 , Ondřej Konvička
Phytogeographic area-
Původnost stanovišť-
Osvětlení stanovišť-
Hojnost výskytu


 © Ondřej Machač
Pavouci České republiky; Druhy rodu Dysdera (Dysderidae) v Česku; Pholcus alticeps na severozápadě České republiky; Díky osobnímu automobilu; Výprava za stepníky a teplomilnými křižáky na jižní Moravu; Významné nálezy pavouků z ČR IV. / Remarkable records of spiders from Czechia IV.; Inventarizace 2017; Hrabalky (Pompilidae) – specialisté na lov pavouků II: rod Cryptocheilus; Jak dlouho vydrží Dolomedes pod vodou?; Rozloučení se Zdeňkem; Říkali jsme mu „haldový expert“; Zoologické dny Praha 2018; Arachnologická exkurze Litovelské Pomoraví; Česká bibliografie 2018; Britská bibliografie – The Newsletter 140 a 141; Pokyny pro autory

 © Oto Zimmermann

The genus Dysdera Latreille, 1804, a species-rich group of spiders that includes specialised predators of woodlice, contains several complexes of morphologically similar sibling species. Here we investigate species limits in the Dysdera erythrina (Walckenaer, 1802) complex by integrating phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular data, and use this information to gain further knowledge on its origin and evolution. We describe 16 new species and redescribe four poorly known species belonging to this clade. The distribution of most of the species in the complex is limited to southern France and the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The species studied do not show any obvious differences in habitat preference, and some of them even occur sympatrically at certain sites. They probably feed on the same type of prey as they readily capture woodlice. On the other hand, they differ in body size, mouthparts shape, sculpturing of carapace, morphology of the copulatory organs, karyotype and DNA sequences. Experimental interspecific mating showed a partial precopulatory behavioural barrier between Dysdera erythrina and Dysdera cechica, sp. nov. Our data suggest that karyotype evolution of the complex included chromosome fusions and fissions as well as translocations (between autosomes as well as autosomes and sex chromosomes). We hypothesise that chromosome rearrangements generating reproductive incompatibility played a primary role in speciation within Dysdera complexes. Dysdera spiders are poor dispersers, and their original distribution areas (forested areas in the Mediterranean) were repeatedly fragmented during Quarternary climatic oscillations, facilitating integration of chromosome rearrangements into karyotypes by genetic drift. Sympatric occurrence of closely related species may have been promoted by prey segregation as suggested by differentiation in body size in co-occurring species. The following new species are described: D. catalonica, sp. nov., Dysdera cechica, D. dolanskyi, sp. nov., D. fabrorum, sp. nov., D. garrafensis, sp. nov., D. graia, sp. nov., D. kropfi, sp. nov., D. minairo, sp. nov., D. portsensis, sp. nov., D. pradesensis, sp. nov., D. pyrenaica, sp. nov., D. quindecima, sp. nov., D. septima, sp. nov., D. stahlavskyi, sp. nov., D. tredecima, sp. nov. and D. undecima, sp. nov.



By month

By altitude

By collecting method (93 used records)
Dysdera cechica Řezáč, 2018 ESMalesFemalesJuvenilesRecords
Zemní past41512758
Individuální sběr66010

By biotope (93 used records)
Dysdera cechica Řezáč, 2018 ESMalesFemalesJuvenilesRecords
Ovocné sady s luční vegetací0202
Suťové a roklinové lesy4103
Suché louky3163
Suché křoviny3103
Lesostepní doubravy4002
Suché doubravy8909
Porosty borůvek2001
Lesní okraje1001
Interiéry budov0101
Acidofilní bory1001
Kamenité suti nižších poloh0001