RNDr. Karel Tajovský, CSc.
RNDr. Vlastimil Růžička, CSc.
Lathys humilis (Blackwall, 1855) VU
Bathyphantes similis Kulczyński, 1894 ES
Palliduphantes ericaeus (Blackwall, 1853) EN
Pocadicnemis carpatica (Chyzer, 1894) VU
Walckenaeria simplex Chyzer, 1894 VU
Zodarion germanicum (C. L. Koch, 1837) ES

Spiders of the Brdy Protected Landscape Area were studied. Material obtained from pitfall traps exposed during the years 2016–2017 at 15 different representative localities included a total of 4027 individuals belonging to 154 species of spiders. Cold tolerant species (e.g. Bathyphantes similis and Pocadicnemis carpatica) as well as thermophilic species (e.g. Lathys humilis and Zodarion germanicum) were recorded. The West European species Palliduphantes ericaeus reaches here the easternmost border of its  distribution, on the contrary the East European species Walckenaeria simplex has in this territory the western limit of its areal. A quarter of the recorded spider species is closely related to the original and natural habitats. Together with the published data and data from arachnological databases, the occurrence of 220 species of spiders is currently listed for the Brdy PLA, representing about 25 % of the total fauna of the Czech Republic. The results documented presence of interesting arachnofauna and confirm a high natural value of the given area.

Růžička V., Tajovský K. & Pižl V. (2018): Pavouci (Araneae) CHKO Brdy. Spiders (Araneae) of the Brdy Protected Landscape Area. Bohem. cent. 34: 133–147 (in Czech, English abstract).
