RNDr. Petr Dolejš, Ph.D.

Spiders are a very popular group in the Czech Republic. This fact is confirmed by public interest in arachnological books like “V říši pavouků” [In the realm of spiders] (Baum 1938, Baum &
Buchar 1973) or “Naši pavouci” [Our spiders] (Buchar &
Kůrka 1998, 2001) which are completely sold out today. Now, we have a further book contributing to this series – the atlas “Pavouci České republiky” [Spiders of the Czech Republic]. The author team consists of two excellent Czech arachnologists, a well-known scientist and a professional photographer. Such an author constellation promises a high-quality result. During four years of preparation, this ambitious project arose aiming to bring a complex book covering the biology – and specifically an atlas – of all spider species living in the Czech Republic, including photographs of most of them.

Dolejš P. (2018): Book review – Kůrka A, Řezáč M, Macek R & Dolanský J 2015 Pavouci České republiky [Spiders of the Czech Republic]. Academia, Praha. 623 pp., ISBN: 978-80-200-2384-1. Arachnol. Mitt. 56: iv–v.
